-// comparisons
+// comparisons, including partial orderings
// compare two vectors for exact equality.
+// special functions to ease the pain of writing vector math in C.
+// add three matrices.
+static inline struct mat33 madd3(struct mat33 a, struct mat33 b, struct mat33 c) {
+ return madd(madd(a, b), c);
+// 3D rotation constructors & operators
+// construct equivalent rotation matrix for axis-angle rotation.
+// assumes input axis is normalized, angle in radians.
+static inline struct mat33 maxisangle(struct vec axis, float angle) {
+ // Rodrigues formula
+ struct mat33 const K = mcrossmat(axis);
+ return madd3(
+ meye(),
+ mscl(sinf(angle), K),
+ mscl(1.0f - cosf(angle), mmul(K, K))
+ );
+// rotation about x axis by given angle (radians)
+static inline struct mat33 mrotx(float angle) {
+ return maxisangle(mkvec(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), angle);
+// rotation about y axis by given angle (radians)
+static inline struct mat33 mroty(float angle) {
+ return maxisangle(mkvec(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), angle);
+// rotation about z axis by given angle (radians)
+static inline struct mat33 mrotz(float angle) {
+ return maxisangle(mkvec(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), angle);
+// TODO: these might be faster if written by hand,
+// but these are correct and the trig is probably the slow part anyway
// Matrix TODO: inv, solve, eig, 9 floats ctor, axis-aligned rotations
return (float)x;
+// APPROXIMATELY unit normal random number
+float randn() {
+ // central limit theorem at work
+ return randu(-1.0f, 1.0f) + randu(-1.0f, 1.0f) + randu(-1.0f, 1.0f);
// returns a random vector uniformly sampled from the unit cube
struct vec randcube() {
return mkvec(randu(-1.0f, 1.0f), randu(-1.0f, 1.0f), randu(-1.0f, 1.0f));
+// returns a random vector approximately uniformly sampled from the unit sphere
+struct vec randsphere() {
+ struct vec v = mkvec(randn(), randn(), randn());
+ return vnormalize(v);
// returns a random quaternion not necessarily uniformly sampled
struct quat randquat() {
struct quat q = mkquat(
// tests - when adding new tests, make sure to add to test_fns array
+void test_mat_axisangle()
+ srand(0); // deterministic
+ int const N = 10000;
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ // random rotation axis and point to rotate
+ struct vec const axis = randsphere();
+ struct vec const point = randsphere();
+ // rotation angle s.t. we will go a full circle
+ int const divisions = randu(0.0, 100.0);
+ float const theta = 2.0f * M_PI_F / divisions;
+ // rotate the point in a full circle
+ struct vec pointrot = point;
+ struct mat33 const R = maxisangle(axis, theta);
+ for (int j = 0; j < divisions; ++j) {
+ pointrot = mvmul(R, pointrot);
+ }
+ // should be back where we started
+ ASSERT_VEQ_EPSILON(point, pointrot, 0.00001f); // must be fairly loose due to 32 bit trig, etc.
+ }
+ printf("%s passed\n", __func__);
void test_quat_rpy_conversions()
srand(0); // deterministic
// micro test framework
typedef void (*voidvoid_fn)(void);
voidvoid_fn test_fns[] = {
+ test_mat_axisangle,