static const float YAW = -90.f;
static const float PITCH = 0.0f;
-static const float SPEED = 2.5f;
+static const float SPEED = 0.2f;
static const float SENSITIVITY = 0.1f;
static const float ZOOM = 45.0f;
ct->mouseSensitivity = SENSITIVITY;
ct->aspectRatio = 16.f/9.f;
ct->near = 1.f;
- ct->far = 10.f;
+ ct->far = 30.f;
ct->mouseSensitivity = sensitivity;
-void crpgCameraRender(crpgCamera *c, float dtms)
void crpgCameraUpdate(crpgCamera *c, float dtms)
- /*
crpgCamera_t *ct = (crpgCamera_t *)c;
float velocity = ct->movementSpeed * dtms;
+ /* updating the pan values */
ct->position = v3_add(ct->position, v3_muls(ct->front, velocity));
ct->position = v3_sub(ct->position, v3_muls(ct->front, velocity));
- */
+ if(crpgInputHeld(INPUT_CAMERA_PAN_RIGHT)){
+ ct->position = v3_add(ct->position, v3_muls(ct->right, velocity));
+ }
+ if(crpgInputHeld(INPUT_CAMERA_PAN_LEFT)){
+ ct->position = v3_sub(ct->position, v3_muls(ct->right, velocity));
+ }
+ if(crpgInputHeld(INPUT_CAMERA_PAN_UP)){
+ ct->position = v3_add(ct->position, v3_muls(ct->up, velocity));
+ }
+ if(crpgInputHeld(INPUT_CAMERA_PAN_DOWN)){
+ ct->position = v3_sub(ct->position, v3_muls(ct->up, velocity));
+ }
+ /* processing mouse movement */
+ vec2_t mouseOffset = crpgInputMouseRelPos();
+ mouseOffset.x *= ct->mouseSensitivity;
+ mouseOffset.y *= ct->mouseSensitivity;
+ ct->yaw += mouseOffset.x;
+ ct->pitch += mouseOffset.y;
+ // preventing the screen from flipping
+ ct->pitch > 89.0f ? 89.0f : ct->pitch;
+ ct->pitch < -89.0f ? -89.0f : ct->pitch;
+ updateVectors(ct);