.B dns-prefetching (bool)
Indicates if Vimb prefetches domain names.
+.B download-command (string)
+A command with placeholder '%s' that will be invoked to download a URI in
+case 'download-use-external' is enabled.
+The following additional environment variable are available:
+.PD 0
+The URI of the current opened page, normally the page where the download was
+started from, also known as referer.
+Setting value of 'dowanload-path' which would be used normally for downloads.
+.PD 0
+.IP ":set download-command=/bin/sh -c ""cd '$VIMB_DOWNLOAD_PATH' \
+&& curl -sLJOC - -e '$VIMB_URI' %s"""
.B download-path (string)
Path to the default download directory.
If no download directory is set, download will be written into current
The following pattern will be expanded if the download is
started '~/', '~user', '$VAR' and '${VAR}'.
+.B download-use-external (bool)
+Indicates if the external download tool set as 'download-command' should be
+used to handle downloads.
+If this is disabled Vimb will handle the download.
.B editor-command (string)
Command with placeholder '%s' called if form field is opened with $EDITOR to
spawn the editor-like `x-terminal-emulator -e vim %s'.
static void on_webctx_init_web_extension(WebKitWebContext *webctx, gpointer data);
static gboolean on_webdownload_decide_destination(WebKitDownload *download,
gchar *suggested_filename, Client *c);
+static void on_webdownload_response_received(WebKitDownload *download,
+ GParamSpec *ps, Client *c);
+static void spawn_download_command(Client *c, WebKitURIResponse *response);
static void on_webdownload_failed(WebKitDownload *download,
GError *error, Client *c);
static void on_webdownload_finished(WebKitDownload *download, Client *c);
autocmd_run(c, AU_DOWNLOAD_STARTED, uri, NULL);
- g_signal_connect(download, "decide-destination", G_CALLBACK(on_webdownload_decide_destination), c);
- g_signal_connect(download, "failed", G_CALLBACK(on_webdownload_failed), c);
- g_signal_connect(download, "finished", G_CALLBACK(on_webdownload_finished), c);
- g_signal_connect(download, "received-data", G_CALLBACK(on_webdownload_received_data), c);
+ if (GET_BOOL(c, "download-use-external")) {
+ g_signal_connect(download, "notify::response", G_CALLBACK(on_webdownload_response_received), c);
+ } else {
+ g_signal_connect(download, "decide-destination", G_CALLBACK(on_webdownload_decide_destination), c);
+ g_signal_connect(download, "failed", G_CALLBACK(on_webdownload_failed), c);
+ g_signal_connect(download, "finished", G_CALLBACK(on_webdownload_finished), c);
+ g_signal_connect(download, "received-data", G_CALLBACK(on_webdownload_received_data), c);
- c->state.downloads = g_list_append(c->state.downloads, download);
+ c->state.downloads = g_list_append(c->state.downloads, download);
- /* to reflect the correct download count */
- vb_statusbar_update(c);
+ /* to reflect the correct download count */
+ vb_statusbar_update(c);
+ }
return vb_download_set_destination(c, download, suggested_filename, NULL);
+static void on_webdownload_response_received(WebKitDownload *download,
+ GParamSpec *ps, Client *c)
+ spawn_download_command(c, webkit_download_get_response(download));
+ webkit_download_cancel(download);
+static void spawn_download_command(Client *c, WebKitURIResponse *response)
+ char *cmd;
+ char **argv, **envp;
+ int argc;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ cmd = g_strdup_printf(GET_CHAR(c, "download-command"),
+ webkit_uri_response_get_uri(response));
+ if (!g_shell_parse_argv(cmd, &argc, &argv, &error)) {
+ g_warning("Could not parse download-command '%s': %s",
+ cmd,
+ error->message);
+ g_error_free(error);
+ g_free(cmd);
+ return;
+ }
+ envp = g_get_environ();
+ envp = g_environ_setenv(envp, "VIMB_DOWNLOAD_PATH",
+ GET_CHAR(c, "download-path"), TRUE);
+ if (g_spawn_async(NULL, argv, envp, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error)) {
+ vb_echo(c, MSG_NORMAL, FALSE, "Download started");
+ } else {
+ vb_echo(c, MSG_ERROR, TRUE, "Could not start download");
+ g_warning("%s", error->message);
+ g_clear_error(&error);
+ }
+ g_free(cmd);
+ g_strfreev(envp);
+ g_strfreev(argv);
* Callback for the webkit download failed signal.
* This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the download operation.
i = 100;
setting_add(c, "default-zoom", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, default_zoom, 0, NULL);
setting_add(c, "download-path", TYPE_CHAR, &"~/", NULL, 0, NULL);
+ setting_add(c, "download-command", TYPE_CHAR, &"/bin/sh -c \"curl -sLJOC - -e '$VIMB_URI' %s\"", NULL, 0, NULL);
+ setting_add(c, "download-use-external", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, NULL, 0, NULL);
setting_add(c, "incsearch", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, internal, 0, &c->config.incsearch);
i = 10;
/* TODO should be global and not overwritten by a new client */
setting_add(c, "spell-checking", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit_spell_checking, 0, NULL);
setting_add(c, "spell-checking-languages", TYPE_CHAR, &"en_US", webkit_spell_checking_language, FLAG_LIST|FLAG_NODUP, NULL);
- /* gui style settings vimb3 */
+ /* gui style settings vimb */
setting_add(c, "completion-css", TYPE_CHAR, &"color:#fff;background-color:#656565;font:" SETTING_GUI_FONT_NORMAL, gui_style, 0, NULL);
setting_add(c, "completion-hover-css", TYPE_CHAR, &"background-color:#777;", gui_style, 0, NULL);
setting_add(c, "completion-selected-css", TYPE_CHAR, &"color:#f6f3e8;background-color:#888;", gui_style, 0, NULL);