hConts = [];
- function fire(n) {
- var hint = getHint(n ? n : focusNum);
- if (!hint) {
- return "DONE:";
- }
- var e = hint.e,
- tag = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
- type = e.type ? e.type : "";
- clear();
- if (tag === "input" || tag === "textarea" || tag === "select") {
- if (type === "radio" || type === "checkbox") {
- e.focus();
- click(e);
- return "DONE:";
- }
- if (type === "submit" || type === "reset" || type === "button" || type === "image") {
- click(e);
- return "DONE:";
- }
- e.focus();
- return "INSERT:";
- }
- if (tag === "iframe" || tag === "frame") {
- e.focus();
- return "DONE:";
- }
- switch (usage) {
- case "T": open(e, true); return "DONE:";
- case "O": open(e, false); return "DONE:";
- default: return "DATA:" + getSrc(e);
- }
- }
- /* fires the modeevent on hint with given number */
function fire(n) {
var hint = getHint(n ? n : focusNum);
if (!hint) {