Point2i bsize = board_get_size(board, "storing size");
Uint32 cclock = 0;
Uint32 pclock = SDL_GetTicks();
+ Point2i rpos = point2i(10,10); // where to draw the arr
char *reprs = malloc(bsize.x * bsize.y * sizeof(char));
char *elevs = malloc(bsize.x * bsize.y * sizeof(char));
- // 'game' loop, only stays open for 2 seconds
- while(ctime < itime + 2000){
+ // 'game' loop
+ while(ctime < itime + 5000){
ctime = SDL_GetTicks();
cclock = SDL_GetTicks();
if(cclock > pclock + 500 || pclock == 0){
sel = (sel == reprs) ? elevs : reprs;
pclock = cclock;
+ for(int y = 0; y < bsize.y; ++y){
+ for(int x = 0; x < bsize.x; ++x){
+ mvaddch(y + rpos.y, x + rpos.x , sel[x + bsize.x * y]);
+ }
+ }
+ refresh();