## [Unreleased]
+### Added
+* Allow basic motion commands for hinting too.
+* Show the numbers of search matches in status bar.
+* Show dialog if the page makes a permission request e.g. gelocation to allow
+ the user to make a decission.
+### Changed
+* Use sqlite as cookie storage #470 to prevent cookies lost on running many
+ vimb instances.
+* Start vimb with maximized window #483.
+* Hints are now styled based on the vimbhint attributes. The old additional set
+ classes are not set anymore to the hints. So customized css for the hints have
+ to be adapted to this.
+* Element ID is stored in case the editor was spawned. So it's now possible to
+ start the editor, load another page, come back and paste the edotor contents
+ (thanks to Sven Speckmaier).
+### Fixed
+* Fixed none cleaned webextension object files on `make clean`.
+* Remove none used gui styling for completion.
+### Removed
+* Removed webkit1 combat code.
## [3.1.0] - 2017-12-18
### Added