The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2016 James Alan Preiss
+Copyright (c) 2016-2018 James Alan Preiss
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
static inline struct vec vclampabs(struct vec v, struct vec abs_upper) {
return vclamp(v, vneg(abs_upper), abs_upper);
+// largest scalar element of vector.
+static inline float vmaxelt(struct vec v) {
+ return fmax(fmax(v.x, v.y), v.z);
+// least (most negative) scalar element of vector.
+static inline float vminelt(struct vec v) {
+ return fmin(fmin(v.x, v.y), v.z);
// L1 norm (aka Minkowski, Taxicab, Manhattan norm) of a vector.
static inline float vnorm1(struct vec v) {
return fabsf(v.x) + fabsf(v.y) + fabsf(v.z);
static inline struct quat qneg(struct quat q) {
return mkquat(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, -q.w);
+// return a quaternion representing the same rotation
+// but with a positive real term (q.w).
+// useful to collapse the double-covering of SO(3) by the quaternions.
static inline struct quat qposreal(struct quat q) {
if (q.w < 0) return qneg(q);
return q;
static inline float qanglebetween(struct quat a, struct quat b) {
float const dot = qdot(qposreal(a), qposreal(b));
+ // prevent acos domain issues
if (dot > 1.0f - 1e9f) return 0.0f;
if (dot < -1.0f + 1e9f) return M_PI_F;
return acosf(dot);