@echo "LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS)"
-src/hints.o: src/hint.js.h
-src/hint.js.h: src/hint.js
+src/hints.o: src/hints.js.h
+src/hints.js.h: src/hints.js
@echo "minify $<"
@cat $< | src/js2h.sh > $@
+++ /dev/null
-VimpHints = function Hints(bg, bgf, fg, style) {
- var config = {
- maxHints: 200,
- hintCss: style,
- hintClass: "__hint",
- hintClassFocus: "__hint_container",
- eBg: bg,
- eBgf: bgf,
- eFg: fg
- };
- var hCont;
- var curFocusNum = 1;
- var hints = [];
- var mode;
- this.create = function(inputText, hintMode)
- {
- if (hintMode) {
- mode = hintMode;
- }
- var topwin = window;
- var top_height = topwin.innerHeight;
- var top_width = topwin.innerWidth;
- var xpath_expr;
- var hintCount = 0;
- this.clear();
- function _helper (win, offsetX, offsetY) {
- var doc = win.document;
- var win_height = win.height;
- var win_width = win.width;
- /* Bounds */
- var minX = offsetX < 0 ? -offsetX : 0;
- var minY = offsetY < 0 ? -offsetY : 0;
- var maxX = offsetX + win_width > top_width ? top_width - offsetX : top_width;
- var maxY = offsetY + win_height > top_height ? top_height - offsetY : top_height;
- var scrollX = win.scrollX;
- var scrollY = win.scrollY;
- hCont = doc.createElement("div");
- hCont.id = "hint_container";
- xpath_expr = _getXpathXpression(inputText);
- var res = doc.evaluate(xpath_expr, doc,
- function (p) {
- return "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
- /* generate basic hint element which will be cloned and updated later */
- var hintSpan = doc.createElement("span");
- hintSpan.setAttribute("class", config.hintClass);
- hintSpan.style.cssText = config.hintCss;
- /* due to the different XPath result type, we will need two counter variables */
- var rect, elem, text, node, show_text;
- for (i = 0; i < res.snapshotLength; i++) {
- if (hintCount >= config.maxHints) {
- break;
- }
- elem = res.snapshotItem(i);
- rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
- if (!rect || rect.left > maxX || rect.right < minX || rect.top > maxY || rect.bottom < minY) {
- continue;
- }
- var style = topwin.getComputedStyle(elem, "");
- if (style.display == "none" || style.visibility != "visible") {
- continue;
- }
- var leftpos = Math.max((rect.left + scrollX), scrollX);
- var toppos = Math.max((rect.top + scrollY), scrollY);
- /* making this block DOM compliant */
- var hint = hintSpan.cloneNode(false);
- hint.style.left = leftpos - 3 + "px";
- hint.style.top = toppos - 3 + "px";
- text = doc.createTextNode(hintCount + 1);
- hint.appendChild(text);
- hCont.appendChild(hint);
- hintCount++;
- hints.push({
- elem: elem,
- number: hintCount,
- span: hint,
- background: elem.style.background,
- foreground: elem.style.color}
- );
- /* make the link black to ensure it's readable */
- elem.style.color = config.eFg;
- elem.style.background = config.eBg;
- }
- doc.documentElement.appendChild(hCont);
- /* recurse into any iframe or frame element */
- var frameTags = ["frame","iframe"];
- for (var f = 0; f < frameTags.length; ++f) {
- var frames = doc.getElementsByTagName(frameTags[f]);
- for (var i = 0, nframes = frames.length; i < nframes; ++i) {
- elem = frames[i];
- rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
- if (!elem.contentWindow || !rect || rect.left > maxX || rect.right < minX || rect.top > maxY || rect.bottom < minY) {
- continue;
- }
- _helper(elem.contentWindow, offsetX + rect.left, offsetY + rect.top);
- }
- }
- }
- _helper(topwin, 0, 0);
- _focus(1);
- if (hintCount == 1) {
- /* just one hinted element - might as well follow it */
- return this.fire(1);
- }
- };
- /* set focus to next avaiable hint */
- this.focusNext = function()
- {
- var index = _getHintIdByNumber(curFocusNum);
- if (typeof(hints[index + 1]) !== "undefined") {
- _focus(hints[index + 1].number);
- } else {
- _focus(hints[0].number);
- }
- };
- /* set focus to previous avaiable hint */
- this.focusPrev = function()
- {
- var index = _getHintIdByNumber(curFocusNum);
- if (index !== 0 && typeof(hints[index - 1].number) !== "undefined") {
- _focus(hints[index - 1].number);
- } else {
- _focus(hints[hints.length - 1].number);
- }
- };
- /* filters hints matching given number */
- this.update = function(n)
- {
- if (n === 0) {
- return this.create();
- }
- /* remove none matching hints */
- var remove = [];
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < hints.length; ++i) {
- var hint = hints[i];
- if (0 !== hint.number.toString().indexOf(n.toString())) {
- remove.push(hint.number);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < remove.length; ++i) {
- _removeHint(remove[i]);
- }
- if (hints.length === 1) {
- return this.fire(hints[0].number);
- }
- return _focus(n);
- };
- /* remove all hints and set previous style to them */
- this.clear = function()
- {
- if (hints.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < hints.length; ++i) {
- var hint = hints[i];
- if (typeof(hint.elem) !== "undefined") {
- hint.elem.style.background = hint.background;
- hint.elem.style.color = hint.foreground;
- hint.span.parentNode.removeChild(hint.span);
- }
- }
- hints = [];
- hCont.parentNode.removeChild(hCont);
- window.onkeyup = null;
- };
- /* fires the modeevent on hint with given number */
- this.fire = function(n)
- {
- n = n ? n : curFocusNum;
- var result;
- var hint = _getHintByNumber(n);
- if (typeof(hint.elem) == "undefined") {
- return "DONE:";
- }
- var el = hint.elem;
- var tag = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- this.clear();
- if (tag === "iframe" || tag === "frame" || tag === "textarea" || tag === "input" && (el.type === "text" || el.type === "password" || el.type === "checkbox" || el.type === "radio") || tag === "select") {
- el.focus();
- if (tag === "input" || tag === "textarea") {
- return "INSERT:";
- }
- return "DONE:";
- }
- result = "DONE:";
- switch (mode) {
- case "f":
- _open(el);
- break;
- case "F":
- _openNewWindow(el);
- break;
- case "i":
- _open(el);
- break;
- case "I":
- _openNewWindow(el);
- break;
- default:
- result = "DATA:" + _getElemtSource(el);
- break;
- }
- return result;
- };
- /* set focus on hint with given number */
- function _focus(n)
- {
- /* reset previous focused hint */
- var hint = _getHintByNumber(curFocusNum);
- if (hint !== null) {
- hint.elem.className = hint.elem.className.replace(config.hintClassFocus, config.hintClass);
- hint.elem.style.background = config.eBg;
- _mouseEvent(hint.elem, "mouseout");
- }
- curFocusNum = n;
- /* mark new hint as focused */
- hint = _getHintByNumber(curFocusNum);
- if (hint !== null) {
- hint.elem.className = hint.elem.className.replace(config.hintClass, config.hintClassFocus);
- hint.elem.style.background = config.eBgf;
- _mouseEvent(hint.elem, "mouseover");
- }
- }
- /* retrieves text content fro given element */
- function _getTextFromElement(el)
- {
- var text;
- if (el instanceof HTMLInputElement || el instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) {
- text = el.value;
- } else if (el instanceof HTMLSelectElement) {
- if (el.selectedIndex >= 0) {
- text = el.item(el.selectedIndex).text;
- } else{
- text = "";
- }
- } else {
- text = el.textContent;
- }
- return text.toLowerCase();
- }
- /* retrieves the hint for given hint number */
- function _getHintByNumber(n)
- {
- var index = _getHintIdByNumber(n);
- if (index !== null) {
- return hints[index];
- }
- return null;
- }
- /* retrieves the id of hint with given number */
- function _getHintIdByNumber(n)
- {
- var hint;
- for (var i = 0; i < hints.length; ++i) {
- hint = hints[i];
- if (hint.number === n) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /* removes hint with given number from hints array */
- function _removeHint(n)
- {
- var index = _getHintIdByNumber(n);
- if (index === null) {
- return;
- }
- var hint = hints[index];
- if (hint.number === n) {
- hint.elem.style.background = hint.background;
- hint.elem.style.color = hint.foreground;
- hint.span.parentNode.removeChild(hint.span);
- /* remove hints from all hints */
- hints.splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
- /* opens given element */
- function _open(elem)
- {
- if (elem.target == "_blank") {
- elem.removeAttribute("target");
- }
- _mouseEvent(elem, "moudedown");
- _mouseEvent(elem, "click");
- }
- /* opens given element into new window */
- function _openNewWindow(elem)
- {
- var oldTarget = elem.target;
- /* set target to open in new window */
- elem.target = "_blank";
- _mouseEvent(elem, "moudedown");
- _mouseEvent(elem, "click");
- elem.target = oldTarget;
- }
- function _mouseEvent(elem, name)
- {
- var doc = elem.ownerDocument;
- var view = elem.contentWindow;
- var evObj = doc.createEvent("MouseEvents");
- evObj.initMouseEvent(name, true, true, view, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
- elem.dispatchEvent(evObj);
- }
- /* retrieves the url of given element */
- function _getElemtSource(elem)
- {
- var url = elem.href || elem.src;
- return url;
- }
- /* retrieves the xpath expression according to mode */
- function _getXpathXpression(text)
- {
- var expr;
- if (typeof(text) === "undefined") {
- text = "";
- }
- switch (mode) {
- case "f":
- case "F":
- if (text === "") {
- expr = "//*[@onclick or @onmouseover or @onmousedown or @onmouseup or @oncommand or @class='lk' or @role='link' or @href] | //input[not(@type='hidden')] | //a[href] | //area | //textarea | //button | //select";
- } else {
- expr = "//*[(@onclick or @onmouseover or @onmousedown or @onmouseup or @oncommand or @class='lk' or @role='link' or @href) and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //input[not(@type='hidden') and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //a[@href and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //area[contains(., '" + text + "')] | //textarea[contains(., '" + text + "')] | //button[contains(@value, '" + text + "')] | //select[contains(., '" + text + "')]";
- }
- break;
- case "i":
- case "I":
- if (text === "") {
- expr = "//img[@src]";
- } else {
- expr = "//img[@src and contains(., '" + text + "')]";
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (text === "") {
- expr = "//*[@role='link' or @href] | //a[href] | //area | //img[not(ancestor::a)]";
- } else {
- expr = "//*[(@role='link' or @href) and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //a[@href and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //area[contains(., '" + text + "')] | //img[not(ancestor::a) and contains(., '" + text + "')]";
- }
- break;
- }
- return expr;
- }
#include "hints.h"
#include "dom.h"
#include "command.h"
-#include "hint.js.h"
+#include "hints.js.h"
#define HINT_VAR "VpHint"
--- /dev/null
+VimpHints = function Hints(bg, bgf, fg, style) {
+ var config = {
+ maxHints: 200,
+ hintCss: style,
+ hintClass: "__hint",
+ hintClassFocus: "__hint_container",
+ eBg: bg,
+ eBgf: bgf,
+ eFg: fg
+ };
+ var hCont;
+ var curFocusNum = 1;
+ var hints = [];
+ var mode;
+ this.create = function(inputText, hintMode)
+ {
+ if (hintMode) {
+ mode = hintMode;
+ }
+ var topwin = window;
+ var top_height = topwin.innerHeight;
+ var top_width = topwin.innerWidth;
+ var xpath_expr;
+ var hintCount = 0;
+ this.clear();
+ function _helper (win, offsetX, offsetY) {
+ var doc = win.document;
+ var win_height = win.height;
+ var win_width = win.width;
+ /* Bounds */
+ var minX = offsetX < 0 ? -offsetX : 0;
+ var minY = offsetY < 0 ? -offsetY : 0;
+ var maxX = offsetX + win_width > top_width ? top_width - offsetX : top_width;
+ var maxY = offsetY + win_height > top_height ? top_height - offsetY : top_height;
+ var scrollX = win.scrollX;
+ var scrollY = win.scrollY;
+ hCont = doc.createElement("div");
+ hCont.id = "hint_container";
+ xpath_expr = _getXpathXpression(inputText);
+ var res = doc.evaluate(xpath_expr, doc,
+ function (p) {
+ return "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
+ /* generate basic hint element which will be cloned and updated later */
+ var hintSpan = doc.createElement("span");
+ hintSpan.setAttribute("class", config.hintClass);
+ hintSpan.style.cssText = config.hintCss;
+ /* due to the different XPath result type, we will need two counter variables */
+ var rect, elem, text, node, show_text;
+ for (i = 0; i < res.snapshotLength; i++) {
+ if (hintCount >= config.maxHints) {
+ break;
+ }
+ elem = res.snapshotItem(i);
+ rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (!rect || rect.left > maxX || rect.right < minX || rect.top > maxY || rect.bottom < minY) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var style = topwin.getComputedStyle(elem, "");
+ if (style.display == "none" || style.visibility != "visible") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var leftpos = Math.max((rect.left + scrollX), scrollX);
+ var toppos = Math.max((rect.top + scrollY), scrollY);
+ /* making this block DOM compliant */
+ var hint = hintSpan.cloneNode(false);
+ hint.style.left = leftpos - 3 + "px";
+ hint.style.top = toppos - 3 + "px";
+ text = doc.createTextNode(hintCount + 1);
+ hint.appendChild(text);
+ hCont.appendChild(hint);
+ hintCount++;
+ hints.push({
+ elem: elem,
+ number: hintCount,
+ span: hint,
+ background: elem.style.background,
+ foreground: elem.style.color}
+ );
+ /* make the link black to ensure it's readable */
+ elem.style.color = config.eFg;
+ elem.style.background = config.eBg;
+ }
+ doc.documentElement.appendChild(hCont);
+ /* recurse into any iframe or frame element */
+ var frameTags = ["frame","iframe"];
+ for (var f = 0; f < frameTags.length; ++f) {
+ var frames = doc.getElementsByTagName(frameTags[f]);
+ for (var i = 0, nframes = frames.length; i < nframes; ++i) {
+ elem = frames[i];
+ rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (!elem.contentWindow || !rect || rect.left > maxX || rect.right < minX || rect.top > maxY || rect.bottom < minY) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _helper(elem.contentWindow, offsetX + rect.left, offsetY + rect.top);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _helper(topwin, 0, 0);
+ _focus(1);
+ if (hintCount == 1) {
+ /* just one hinted element - might as well follow it */
+ return this.fire(1);
+ }
+ };
+ /* set focus to next avaiable hint */
+ this.focusNext = function()
+ {
+ var index = _getHintIdByNumber(curFocusNum);
+ if (typeof(hints[index + 1]) !== "undefined") {
+ _focus(hints[index + 1].number);
+ } else {
+ _focus(hints[0].number);
+ }
+ };
+ /* set focus to previous avaiable hint */
+ this.focusPrev = function()
+ {
+ var index = _getHintIdByNumber(curFocusNum);
+ if (index !== 0 && typeof(hints[index - 1].number) !== "undefined") {
+ _focus(hints[index - 1].number);
+ } else {
+ _focus(hints[hints.length - 1].number);
+ }
+ };
+ /* filters hints matching given number */
+ this.update = function(n)
+ {
+ if (n === 0) {
+ return this.create();
+ }
+ /* remove none matching hints */
+ var remove = [];
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0; i < hints.length; ++i) {
+ var hint = hints[i];
+ if (0 !== hint.number.toString().indexOf(n.toString())) {
+ remove.push(hint.number);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < remove.length; ++i) {
+ _removeHint(remove[i]);
+ }
+ if (hints.length === 1) {
+ return this.fire(hints[0].number);
+ }
+ return _focus(n);
+ };
+ /* remove all hints and set previous style to them */
+ this.clear = function()
+ {
+ if (hints.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < hints.length; ++i) {
+ var hint = hints[i];
+ if (typeof(hint.elem) !== "undefined") {
+ hint.elem.style.background = hint.background;
+ hint.elem.style.color = hint.foreground;
+ hint.span.parentNode.removeChild(hint.span);
+ }
+ }
+ hints = [];
+ hCont.parentNode.removeChild(hCont);
+ window.onkeyup = null;
+ };
+ /* fires the modeevent on hint with given number */
+ this.fire = function(n)
+ {
+ n = n ? n : curFocusNum;
+ var result;
+ var hint = _getHintByNumber(n);
+ if (typeof(hint.elem) == "undefined") {
+ return "DONE:";
+ }
+ var el = hint.elem;
+ var tag = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ this.clear();
+ if (tag === "iframe" || tag === "frame" || tag === "textarea" || tag === "input" && (el.type === "text" || el.type === "password" || el.type === "checkbox" || el.type === "radio") || tag === "select") {
+ el.focus();
+ if (tag === "input" || tag === "textarea") {
+ return "INSERT:";
+ }
+ return "DONE:";
+ }
+ result = "DONE:";
+ switch (mode) {
+ case "f":
+ _open(el);
+ break;
+ case "F":
+ _openNewWindow(el);
+ break;
+ case "i":
+ _open(el);
+ break;
+ case "I":
+ _openNewWindow(el);
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = "DATA:" + _getElemtSource(el);
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ /* set focus on hint with given number */
+ function _focus(n)
+ {
+ /* reset previous focused hint */
+ var hint = _getHintByNumber(curFocusNum);
+ if (hint !== null) {
+ hint.elem.className = hint.elem.className.replace(config.hintClassFocus, config.hintClass);
+ hint.elem.style.background = config.eBg;
+ _mouseEvent(hint.elem, "mouseout");
+ }
+ curFocusNum = n;
+ /* mark new hint as focused */
+ hint = _getHintByNumber(curFocusNum);
+ if (hint !== null) {
+ hint.elem.className = hint.elem.className.replace(config.hintClass, config.hintClassFocus);
+ hint.elem.style.background = config.eBgf;
+ _mouseEvent(hint.elem, "mouseover");
+ }
+ }
+ /* retrieves text content fro given element */
+ function _getTextFromElement(el)
+ {
+ var text;
+ if (el instanceof HTMLInputElement || el instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) {
+ text = el.value;
+ } else if (el instanceof HTMLSelectElement) {
+ if (el.selectedIndex >= 0) {
+ text = el.item(el.selectedIndex).text;
+ } else{
+ text = "";
+ }
+ } else {
+ text = el.textContent;
+ }
+ return text.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ /* retrieves the hint for given hint number */
+ function _getHintByNumber(n)
+ {
+ var index = _getHintIdByNumber(n);
+ if (index !== null) {
+ return hints[index];
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /* retrieves the id of hint with given number */
+ function _getHintIdByNumber(n)
+ {
+ var hint;
+ for (var i = 0; i < hints.length; ++i) {
+ hint = hints[i];
+ if (hint.number === n) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /* removes hint with given number from hints array */
+ function _removeHint(n)
+ {
+ var index = _getHintIdByNumber(n);
+ if (index === null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var hint = hints[index];
+ if (hint.number === n) {
+ hint.elem.style.background = hint.background;
+ hint.elem.style.color = hint.foreground;
+ hint.span.parentNode.removeChild(hint.span);
+ /* remove hints from all hints */
+ hints.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* opens given element */
+ function _open(elem)
+ {
+ if (elem.target == "_blank") {
+ elem.removeAttribute("target");
+ }
+ _mouseEvent(elem, "moudedown");
+ _mouseEvent(elem, "click");
+ }
+ /* opens given element into new window */
+ function _openNewWindow(elem)
+ {
+ var oldTarget = elem.target;
+ /* set target to open in new window */
+ elem.target = "_blank";
+ _mouseEvent(elem, "moudedown");
+ _mouseEvent(elem, "click");
+ elem.target = oldTarget;
+ }
+ function _mouseEvent(elem, name)
+ {
+ var doc = elem.ownerDocument;
+ var view = elem.contentWindow;
+ var evObj = doc.createEvent("MouseEvents");
+ evObj.initMouseEvent(name, true, true, view, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
+ elem.dispatchEvent(evObj);
+ }
+ /* retrieves the url of given element */
+ function _getElemtSource(elem)
+ {
+ var url = elem.href || elem.src;
+ return url;
+ }
+ /* retrieves the xpath expression according to mode */
+ function _getXpathXpression(text)
+ {
+ var expr;
+ if (typeof(text) === "undefined") {
+ text = "";
+ }
+ switch (mode) {
+ case "f":
+ case "F":
+ if (text === "") {
+ expr = "//*[@onclick or @onmouseover or @onmousedown or @onmouseup or @oncommand or @class='lk' or @role='link' or @href] | //input[not(@type='hidden')] | //a[href] | //area | //textarea | //button | //select";
+ } else {
+ expr = "//*[(@onclick or @onmouseover or @onmousedown or @onmouseup or @oncommand or @class='lk' or @role='link' or @href) and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //input[not(@type='hidden') and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //a[@href and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //area[contains(., '" + text + "')] | //textarea[contains(., '" + text + "')] | //button[contains(@value, '" + text + "')] | //select[contains(., '" + text + "')]";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "i":
+ case "I":
+ if (text === "") {
+ expr = "//img[@src]";
+ } else {
+ expr = "//img[@src and contains(., '" + text + "')]";
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (text === "") {
+ expr = "//*[@role='link' or @href] | //a[href] | //area | //img[not(ancestor::a)]";
+ } else {
+ expr = "//*[(@role='link' or @href) and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //a[@href and contains(., '" + text + "')] | //area[contains(., '" + text + "')] | //img[not(ancestor::a) and contains(., '" + text + "')]";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return expr;
+ }