Remove the mapping of \fIlhs\fP for the applicable mode.
.SS Bookmarks
-.BI ":bma [" TAGS ]
-Save the current opened URI with \fITAGS\fP to the bookmark file.
+.BI ":bma [" tags ]
+Save the current opened URI with \fItags\fP to the bookmark file.
.BI ":bmr [" URI ]
Removes all bookmarks for given \fIURI\fP or if not given the current opened
.SS Handlers
Handlers allow specifying external scripts to handle alternative URI methods.
-.BI ":handler-add " "HANDLER" "=" "COMMAND"
-Adds a handler to direct \fIHANDLER\fP links to the external \fICOMMAND\fP.
-The \fICOMMAND\fP can contain one placeholder %s that will be filled by the
+.BI ":handler-add " "handler" "=" "cmd"
+Adds a handler to direct \fIhandler\fP links to the external \fIcmd\fP.
+The \fIcmd\fP can contain one placeholder %s that will be filled by the
full URI given when the command is called.
-.BI ":handler-remove " "HANDLER"
-Remove the handler for the given URI \fIHANDLER\fP.
+.BI ":handler-remove " "handler"
+Remove the handler for the given URI \fIhandler\fP.
.SS Shortcuts
Shortcuts allows to open URI build up from a named template with additional
parameters. If a shortcut named 'dd' is defined, you can use it with `:open dd
Shortcuts are a good to use with search engines where the URI is nearly the
same but a single parameter is user defined.
-.BI ":shortcut-add " "SHORTCUT" "=" "URI"
-Adds a shortcut with the \fISHORTCUT\fP and \fIURI\fP template. The \fIURI\fP
+.BI ":shortcut-add " "shortcut" "=" "URI"
+Adds a shortcut with the \fIshortcut\fP and \fIURI\fP template. The \fIURI\fP
can contain multiple placeholders $0-$9 that will be filled by the parameters
given when the shortcut is called. The parameters given when the shortcut is
called will be split into as many parameters like the highest used
-.BI ":shortcut-remove " "SHORTCUT"
-Remove the search engine to the given \fISHORTCUT\fP.
+.BI ":shortcut-remove " "shortcut"
+Remove the search engine to the given \fIshortcut\fP.
-.BI ":shortcut-default " "SHORTCUT"
-Set the shortcut for given \fISHORTCUT\fP as the default. It doesn't matter if
-the \fISHORTCUT\fP is already in use or not to be able to set it.
+.BI ":shortcut-default " "shortcut"
+Set the shortcut for given \fIshortcut\fP as the default. It doesn't matter if
+the \fIshortcut\fP is already in use or not to be able to set it.
.SS Settings
-.BI ":se[t] " VAR = VALUE
-Set configuration values named by \fIVAR\fP. To set boolean variable you
+.BI ":se[t] " var = value
+Set configuration values named by \fIvar\fP. To set boolean variable you
should use 'on', 'off' or 'true' and 'false'. Colors are given as hexadecimal
value like '#f57700'.
-.BI ":se[t] " VAR += VALUE
-Add the \fIVALUE\fP to a number option, or append the \fIVALUE\fP to a string
+.BI ":se[t] " var += value
+Add the \fIvalue\fP to a number option, or append the \fIvalue\fP to a string
option. When the option is a comma separated list, a comma is added, unless
the value was empty.
-.BI ":se[t] " VAR ^= VALUE
-Multiply the \fIVALUE\fP to a number option, or prepend the \fIVALUE\fP to a
+.BI ":se[t] " var ^= value
+Multiply the \fIvalue\fP to a number option, or prepend the \fIvalue\fP to a
string option. When the option is a comma separated list, a comma is added,
unless the value was empty.
-.BI ":se[t] " VAR -= VALUE
-Subtract the \fIVALUE\fP from a number option, or remove the \fIVALUE\fP from
+.BI ":se[t] " var -= value
+Subtract the \fIvalue\fP from a number option, or remove the \fIvalue\fP from
a string option, if it is there. When the option is a comma separated list, a
comma is deleted, unless the option becomes empty.
-.BI ":se[t] " VAR ?
+.BI ":se[t] " var ?
Show the current set value of variable
-.BI ":se[t] " VAR !
-Toggle the value of boolean variable \fIVAR\fP and display the new set value.
+.BI ":se[t] " var !
+Toggle the value of boolean variable \fIvar\fP and display the new set value.
.SS Queue
The queue allows to mark URIs for later reading (something like a read it later
list). This list is shared between the single instances of vimb. Only
.SS Misc
-.BI ":sh[ellcmd] " CMD
-Runs given shell \fICMD\fP syncron and print the output into inputbox.
-Following pattern in \fICMD\fP are expanded, '~username', '~/', '$VAR'
+.BI ":sh[ellcmd] " cmd
+Runs given shell \fIcmd\fP syncron and print the output into inputbox.
+Following pattern in \fIcmd\fP are expanded, '~username', '~/', '$VAR'
and '${VAR}'. A '\\' before these patterns disables the expansion.
Example: :sh ls -l $HOME
-.BI ":sh[ellcmd]! " CMD
+.BI ":sh[ellcmd]! " cmd
Like :shellcmd, but asyncron.
Example: :sh! /bin/sh -c 'echo "`date` $VIMB_URI" >> myhistory.txt'
-.BI ":s[ave] [" PATH "]"
-Download current opened page into configured download directory. If \fIPATH\fP
-is given, download under this file name or path. \fIPATH\fP is expanded and
+.BI ":s[ave] [" path "]"
+Download current opened page into configured download directory. If \fIpath\fP
+is given, download under this file name or path. \fIpath\fP is expanded and
can therefore contain '~/', '${ENV}' and '~user' pattern.
.B :q[uit]
.B :q[uit]!
Close the browser independent from an running download.
-.BI :e[val] " JAVASCRIPT"
-Runs the given \fIJAVASCRIPT\fP in the current page and display the evaluated
+.BI :e[val] " javascript"
+Runs the given \fIjavascript\fP in the current page and display the evaluated
This comman cannot be followed by antoher command, since any '|' is considered
Example: :eval document.cookie
-.BI :e[val]! " JAVASCRIPT"
-Like :e[val], but there is nothing print to the input box.
+.BI :e[val]! " javascript"
+Like :eval, but there is nothing print to the input box.
-.BI ":no[rmal] [" CMDS ]
-Execute normal mode commands \fICMDS\fP. This makes it possible to execute
+.BI ":no[rmal] [" cmds ]
+Execute normal mode commands \fIcmds\fP. This makes it possible to execute
normal mode commands typed on the input box.
-\fICMDS\fP cannot start with a space. Put a count of 1 (one) before it, "1 "
+\fIcmds\fP cannot start with a space. Put a count of 1 (one) before it, "1 "
is one space.
This comman cannot be followed by antoher command, since any '|' is considered
part of the command.
Example: :set scripts!|no! R
-.BI ":no[rmal]! [" CMDS ]
-Like :no[rmal], but no mapping is applied to \fICMDS\fP.
+.BI ":no[rmal]! [" cmds ]
+Like :normal, but no mapping is applied to \fIcmds\fP.
.B :ha[rdcopy]
Print current document. Open a GUI dialog where you can select the printer,