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+ \href{https://github.com/MatthewOwens}{github.com/matthewowens} ---
+ \href{mailto:matthew@owens.tech}{matthew@owens.tech}
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+\author{Matthew Owens}
+\section{Personal Profile}
+As a graduate of Abertay University's Computer Games Applications Development
+course, I have experience working with object-orientated programming, developing
+high performance applications and working within a team. I have worked on
+isolated project-critical code such as the beat detector of \emph{Equinox}; a rhythm
+game submitted to Dare to be Digital. As well as expansive, feature rich projects
+such as a dialogue graphing tool utilised in the development of \emph{Rails to Rest}
+for \#RainbowJam2016 and the engine for Fall of Ferald, a prototype strategy
+In addition I have been working with a Linux system for a number of years on
+a daily basis and am familar with developing cross-platform applications for
+both Windows and Linux.
+\section{Technical Skills}
+C, C++, Java, C\#, PHP
+Bash, Python, Lua
+{\LaTeX}, HTML
+SFML, Modern \& Legacy OpenGL, DirectX, SDL, XNA, Windows \& Unix Networking,
+\subsection{Wrench Games - Programmer and Co-Founder}
+{\bfseries 2016-2017}\\
+During my time at Wrench Games I worked on a number of projects including; our
+Dare to be Digital submission with \emph{Equinox} where I developed the back-end beat
+detector, our submission to \#RainbowJam2016 with \emph{Rails to Rest} where I worked
+on the dialogue engine and minor systems such as movement and collision, and
+prototype companion apps for our board games, \emph{Skulls \& Gold} and \emph{Blind
+Wizard Brawl}.
+\subsection{BSc Computer Games Applications Development, University of Abertay}
+{\bfseries 2014-2017}\\
+Studying a broad range of software development techniques and libraries as well
+as mathematics, pathfinding algorithms and programming for various games consoles.
+This course has helped me refine my problem-solving skills and ensure that I can
+work in a variety of environments.
+\subsection{HND Computer Games Development, Fife College}
+{\bfseries 2012-2014}\\
+During my time in college, I built a diverse skill-set to help me develop video
+games. This ranged from writing and pitching projects to 3D animation and
+modelling to programming in C++, C\# and Java.
+{\bfseries References available upon request.}