--- /dev/null
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+bool sh_del(hash, key); // ture if value was found and deleted, false if not found
+for(sh_it_p it = sh_start(hash); it != NULL; it = sh_next(it)) {
+ int64_t key = sh_key(it);
+ int value = sh_value(it);
+ sh_remove(it);
+int* sh_put_ptr(sh_hash_p hash, int64_t key); // reserve new slot, returns ptr to value
+int* sh_get_ptr(sh_hash_p hash, int64_t key); // returns ptr to value or NULL if not in hash
+sh_it_p sh_start(sh_hash_p hash); // iterator
+sh_it_p sh_next(sh_hash_p hash, sh_it_p it); // it of next set elem
+void sh_remove(sh_hash_p hash, sh_it_p it); // removes current elem from hash (during iteration!)
+prefix sh_ dict_
+key_type int64_t const char*
+value_type int void*
+hash_expr sh_murmur3_32(&k, sizeof(k)) sh_murmur3_32(k, strlen(k))
+key_cmp_expr (a == b) strcmp(a, b) == 0
+key_add_expr k strdup(k)
+key_del_expr 0 (free(k), NULL)
+SH_GEN_DECL("dict_", const char*, void*)
+SH_GEN_DEF("dict_", const char*, void*, sh_murmur3_32(k, strlen(k)), strcmp(a, b) == 0, strdup(k), (free(k), NULL))
+SH_GEN_DICT_DEF("dict_", void*)
+SH_GEN_HASH_DEF("con_list_", int32_t, void*)
+// example hash(int64_t → int)
+// Data
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t hash_and_flags;
+ int64_t key;
+ int value;
+} sh_slot_t, *sh_slot_p, *sh_it_p;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t length, capacity, deleted;
+ sh_slot_p slots;
+} sh_hash_t, *sh_hash_p;
+#define SH_SLOT_FREE 0x00000000
+#define SH_SLOT_DELETED 0x00000001
+// API
+void sh_new(sh_hash_p hash);
+void sh_destroy(sh_hash_p hash);
+void sh_optimize(sh_hash_p hash);
+void sh_put(sh_hash_p hash, int64_t key, int value);
+int sh_get(sh_hash_p hash, int64_t key, int default_value);
+bool sh_del(sh_hash_p hash, int64_t key);
+bool sh_contains(sh_hash_p hash, int64_t key);
+int* sh_put_ptr(sh_hash_p hash, int64_t key);
+int* sh_get_ptr(sh_hash_p hash, int64_t key);
+sh_it_p sh_start(sh_hash_p hash);
+sh_it_p sh_next(sh_hash_p hash, sh_it_p it);
+void sh_remove(sh_hash_p hash, sh_it_p it);
+ * Get 32-bit Murmur3 hash of a memory block. Taken from
+ * https://github.com/wolkykim/qlibc/blob/master/src/utilities/qhash.c
+ *
+ * MurmurHash3 was created by Austin Appleby in 2008. The initial implementation
+ * was published in C++ and placed in the public: https://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash/
+ *
+ * Seungyoung Kim has ported its implementation into C language in 2012 and
+ * published it as a part of qLibc component.
+ */
+uint32_t sh_murmur3_32(const void *data, size_t size) {
+ if (data == NULL || size == 0)
+ return 0;
+ const uint32_t c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
+ const uint32_t c2 = 0x1b873593;
+ const int nblocks = size / 4;
+ const uint32_t *blocks = (const uint32_t *) (data);
+ const uint8_t *tail = (const uint8_t *) (data + (nblocks * 4));
+ uint32_t h = 0;
+ int i;
+ uint32_t k;
+ for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) {
+ k = blocks[i];
+ k *= c1;
+ k = (k << 15) | (k >> (32 - 15));
+ k *= c2;
+ h ^= k;
+ h = (h << 13) | (h >> (32 - 13));
+ h = (h * 5) + 0xe6546b64;
+ }
+ k = 0;
+ switch (size & 3) {
+ case 3:
+ k ^= tail[2] << 16;
+ case 2:
+ k ^= tail[1] << 8;
+ case 1:
+ k ^= tail[0];
+ k *= c1;
+ k = (k << 15) | (k >> (32 - 15));
+ k *= c2;
+ h ^= k;
+ };
+ h ^= size;
+ h ^= h >> 16;
+ h *= 0x85ebca6b;
+ h ^= h >> 13;
+ h *= 0xc2b2ae35;
+ h ^= h >> 16;
+ return h;
+bool sh_resize(sh_hash_p hashmap, size_t new_capacity) {
+ // on filling empty slot: if exceeding load factor, double capacity
+ // on deleting slot: if to empty, half capacity
+ // Can't make hashmap smaller than it needs to be
+ if (new_capacity < hashmap->length)
+ return false;
+ sh_hash_t new_hashmap;
+ new_hashmap.length = 0;
+ new_hashmap.capacity = new_capacity;
+ new_hashmap.deleted = 0;
+ new_hashmap.slots = calloc(new_hashmap.capacity, sizeof(new_hashmap.slots[0]));
+ // Failed to allocate memory for new hash map, leave the original untouched
+ if (new_hashmap.slots == NULL)
+ return false;
+ for(sh_it_p it = sh_start(hashmap); it != NULL; it = sh_next(hashmap, it)) {
+ sh_put(&new_hashmap, it->key, it->value);
+ }
+ free(hashmap->slots);
+ *hashmap = new_hashmap;
+ return true;
+void sh_new(sh_hash_p hashmap) {
+ hashmap->length = 0;
+ hashmap->capacity = 0;
+ hashmap->deleted = 0;
+ hashmap->slots = NULL;
+ sh_resize(hashmap, 8);
+void sh_destroy(sh_hash_p hashmap) {
+ hashmap->length = 0;
+ hashmap->capacity = 0;
+ hashmap->deleted = 0;
+ free(hashmap->slots);
+ hashmap->slots = NULL;
+int* sh_put_ptr(sh_hash_p hashmap, int64_t key) {
+ // add the +1 to the capacity doubling to avoid beeing stuck on a capacity of 0
+ if (hashmap->length + hashmap->deleted + 1 > hashmap->capacity * 0.5)
+ sh_resize(hashmap, (hashmap->capacity + 1) * 2);
+ uint32_t hash = sh_murmur3_32(&key, sizeof(key)) | 0x80000000;
+ size_t index = hash % hashmap->capacity;
+ while ( !(hashmap->slots[index].hash_and_flags == SH_SLOT_FREE || hashmap->slots[index].hash_and_flags == SH_SLOT_DELETED) ) {
+ index = (index + 1) % hashmap->capacity;
+ }
+ if (hashmap->slots[index].hash_and_flags == SH_SLOT_DELETED)
+ hashmap->deleted--;
+ hashmap->length++;
+ hashmap->slots[index].hash_and_flags = hash;
+ hashmap->slots[index].key = key;
+ return &hashmap->slots[index].value;
+int* sh_get_ptr(sh_hash_p hashmap, int64_t key) {
+ uint32_t hash = sh_murmur3_32(&key, sizeof(key)) | 0x80000000;
+ size_t index = hash % hashmap->capacity;
+ while ( !(hashmap->slots[index].hash_and_flags == SH_SLOT_FREE) ) {
+ if (hashmap->slots[index].hash_and_flags == hash && hashmap->slots[index].key == key)
+ return &hashmap->slots[index].value;
+ index = (index + 1) % hashmap->capacity;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+bool sh_del(sh_hash_p hashmap, int64_t key) {
+ uint32_t hash = sh_murmur3_32(&key, sizeof(key)) | 0x80000000;
+ size_t index = hash % hashmap->capacity;
+ while ( !(hashmap->slots[index].hash_and_flags == SH_SLOT_FREE) ) {
+ if (hashmap->slots[index].hash_and_flags == hash && hashmap->slots[index].key == key) {
+ hashmap->slots[index].hash_and_flags = SH_SLOT_DELETED;
+ hashmap->length--;
+ hashmap->deleted++;
+ if (hashmap->length < hashmap->capacity * 0.2)
+ sh_resize(hashmap, hashmap->capacity / 2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ index = (index + 1) % hashmap->capacity;
+ }
+ return false;
+void sh_put(sh_hash_p hashmap, int64_t key, int value) {
+ *sh_put_ptr(hashmap, key) = value;
+int sh_get(sh_hash_p hashmap, int64_t key, int default_value) {
+ int* value_ptr = sh_get_ptr(hashmap, key);
+ return (value_ptr) ? *value_ptr : default_value;
+bool sh_contains(sh_hash_p hashmap, int64_t key) {
+ return (sh_get_ptr(hashmap, key) != NULL);
+// Search for the first not-empty slot
+sh_it_p sh_start(sh_hash_p hashmap) {
+ // We need to start at an invalid slot address since sh_next() increments it
+ // before it looks at it (so it's safe).
+ return sh_next(hashmap, hashmap->slots - 1);
+sh_it_p sh_next(sh_hash_p hashmap, sh_it_p it) {
+ if (it == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ do {
+ it++;
+ // Check if we're past the last slot
+ if (it - hashmap->slots >= hashmap->capacity)
+ return NULL;
+ } while( it->hash_and_flags == SH_SLOT_FREE || it->hash_and_flags == SH_SLOT_DELETED );
+ return it;
+void sh_remove(sh_hash_p hashmap, sh_it_p it) {
+ if (it != NULL && it >= hashmap->slots && it - hashmap->slots < hashmap->capacity) {
+ it->hash_and_flags = SH_SLOT_DELETED;
+ hashmap->length--;
+ hashmap->deleted++;
+ }
+void sh_optimize(sh_hash_p hashmap) {
+ sh_resize(hashmap, hashmap->capacity);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#include "../slim_hash.h"
+#include "../slim_test.h"
+void test_new_and_destroy() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 0);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 0);
+ st_check_int(hash.capacity, 0);
+ st_check_null(hash.slots);
+void test_put_ptr() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ int* ptr = sh_put_ptr(&hash, 174);
+ st_check_not_null(ptr);
+ st_check_not_null(hash.slots);
+ st_check(ptr >= &hash.slots[0].value && ptr <= &hash.slots[hash.capacity-1].value);
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 1);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_get_ptr() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ int* put_ptr = sh_put_ptr(&hash, 174);
+ st_check_not_null(put_ptr);
+ int* get_ptr = sh_get_ptr(&hash, 174);
+ st_check_not_null(get_ptr);
+ st_check(put_ptr == get_ptr);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_get_ptr_not_found() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ int* get_ptr = sh_get_ptr(&hash, 12345);
+ st_check_null(get_ptr);
+ int* put_ptr = sh_put_ptr(&hash, 174);
+ st_check_not_null(put_ptr);
+ get_ptr = sh_get_ptr(&hash, 12345);
+ st_check_null(get_ptr);
+ get_ptr = sh_get_ptr(&hash, 175);
+ st_check_null(get_ptr);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_del() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ int* put_ptr = sh_put_ptr(&hash, 174);
+ int* get_ptr = sh_get_ptr(&hash, 174);
+ st_check(put_ptr == get_ptr);
+ bool found = sh_del(&hash, 174);
+ st_check_int(found, 1);
+ get_ptr = sh_get_ptr(&hash, 174);
+ st_check_null(get_ptr);
+ found = sh_del(&hash, 174);
+ st_check_int(found, 0);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_get_and_put() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ sh_put(&hash, 1, 10);
+ int value = sh_get(&hash, 1, 0);
+ st_check_int(value, 10);
+ value = sh_get(&hash, 999, 7);
+ st_check_int(value, 7);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_contains() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ sh_put(&hash, 1, 10);
+ bool inside = sh_contains(&hash, 1);
+ st_check_int(inside, 1);
+ inside = sh_contains(&hash, 999);
+ st_check_int(inside, 0);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_iteration() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ // empty hash
+ sh_it_p it = sh_start(&hash);
+ st_check_null(it);
+ // Make sure st_next() doesn't break with NULL as input
+ it = sh_next(&hash, it);
+ st_check_null(it);
+ // Add test data
+ sh_put(&hash, 0, 10);
+ sh_put(&hash, 1, 20);
+ sh_put(&hash, 2, 30);
+ // Do a full iteration
+ bool visited[3] = {0};
+ int loop_counter = 0;
+ for(sh_it_p it = sh_start(&hash); it != NULL; it = sh_next(&hash, it)) {
+ st_check(it->key >= 0 && it->key <= 2);
+ st_check_int(it->value, (it->key + 1) * 10);
+ visited[it->key] = true;
+ loop_counter++;
+ }
+ st_check_int(loop_counter, 3);
+ st_check_int(visited[0], 1);
+ st_check_int(visited[1], 1);
+ st_check_int(visited[2], 1);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_remove_during_iteration() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ sh_put(&hash, 0, 10);
+ sh_put(&hash, 1, 20);
+ sh_put(&hash, 2, 30);
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 3);
+ for(sh_it_p it = sh_start(&hash); it != NULL; it = sh_next(&hash, it)) {
+ if (it->key == 1)
+ sh_remove(&hash, it);
+ }
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 2);
+ int* value_ptr = sh_get_ptr(&hash, 1);
+ st_check_null(value_ptr);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_growing() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 0);
+ st_check(hash.capacity < 100);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ sh_put(&hash, i, i*2);
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 100);
+ st_check(hash.capacity >= 100);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ int value = sh_get(&hash, i, -1);
+ st_check_int(value, (int)i*2);
+ }
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_shrinking() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ st_check(hash.capacity < 100);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ sh_put(&hash, i, i*2);
+ st_check(hash.capacity >= 100);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ sh_del(&hash, i);
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 0);
+ st_check(hash.capacity < 100);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+void test_optimize() {
+ sh_hash_t hash;
+ sh_new(&hash);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ sh_put(&hash, i, i*2);
+ st_check(hash.capacity >= 100);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 30; i++)
+ sh_del(&hash, i);
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 70);
+ st_check(hash.deleted > 0);
+ sh_optimize(&hash);
+ st_check_int(hash.length, 70);
+ st_check_int(hash.deleted, 0);
+ sh_destroy(&hash);
+int main() {
+ st_run(test_new_and_destroy);
+ st_run(test_put_ptr);
+ st_run(test_get_ptr);
+ st_run(test_get_ptr_not_found);
+ st_run(test_del);
+ st_run(test_get_and_put);
+ st_run(test_contains);
+ st_run(test_iteration);
+ st_run(test_remove_during_iteration);
+ st_run(test_growing);
+ st_run(test_shrinking);
+ st_run(test_optimize);
+ return st_show_report();
\ No newline at end of file