--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Formfiller that reads gpg encrypted credentials from file and let vimb fill
+# execute a JavaScript method to fill in the form data.
+# Call this from vimb by ':sh! formfiller %'
+# The form data are stored gpg encrypted in $VIMB_KEY_DIR/{domain}.gpg or as
+# fallback $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vimb/keys/{domain}.gpg. The files must contain a
+# valid JavaScript arra that can be used for the _vbform.fill() method.
+# A unencrypted sample file could look like this:
+# ["input[name='user']:daniel", "input[name='password']:p45w0rD"]
+die() {
+ echo "$1" >&2
+ exit 1
+fillform() {
+ # make sure we are in normal mode and fill in the form data
+ # use :: to not save the secrets into vimb command history or into the
+ # last ex command register ":
+ echo "<Esc>::e! _vbform.fill($1);<CR>" >> $VIMB_FIFO
+# check if uri is given
+if [ -z "$uri" ]; then
+ die 'No URI given'
+# check if the script is run from vimb with fifo support enabled
+if [ -z "$VIMB_FIFO" ] || [ ! -p "$VIMB_FIFO" ]; then
+ die 'This script must be run from vimb with fifo support'
+# extract the domain part without ports from given uri
+domain=$(echo "$uri" | sed -r 's@https?://([^:/]+).*@\1@')
+# check if there exists a keyfile for the domain
+if [ -e "$VIMB_KEY_DIR/${domain}.gpg" ]; then
+ # this requires the gpg-agent to contains already the key
+ data=$(gpg --batch -qd "$VIMB_KEY_DIR/${domain}.gpg")
+ # abort here if the file could not be decrypted
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fillform "$data"
+elif [ -e "$VIMB_KEY_DIR/$domain" ]; then # fallback to unencrypted files
+ fillform "$(cat "$VIMB_KEY_DIR/$domain")"
--- /dev/null
+/* Script to insert various data into form fields.
+ * Given data is an array of "Selector:Value" tupel.
+ * ["selector:value","...:..."]
+ * Example call from within vimb:
+ * ::e! _vbform.fill(["input[name='login']:daniel","input[name='password']:p45w0rD"]);
+ *
+ * Note the double ':' in front, this tells vimb not to write the command into
+ * history or the last excmd register ":. */
+"use strict"
+var _vbform = {
+ fill: function(data) {
+ data = data||[];
+ var e, i, k, s;
+ // iterate over data array and try to find the elements
+ for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ // split into selector and value part
+ s = data[i].split(":");
+ e = document.querySelectorAll(s[0]);
+ for (k = 0; k < e.length; k++) {
+ // fill the form fields
+ this.set(e[k], s[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // set the value for the form element
+ set: function(e, v) {
+ var i, t, n = e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ if (n == "input") {
+ t = e.type;
+ if (!t || t == "text" || t == "password") {
+ e.value = v;
+ } else if (t == "checkbox" || t == "radio") {
+ e.checked = ("1" == v) ? true : false;
+ } else if (t == "submit") {
+ e.click();
+ }
+ } else if (n == "textarea") {
+ e.value = v;
+ } else if (n == "select") {
+ for (i = 0; i < e.options.length; i++) {
+ if (e.options[i].value == v) {
+ e.options[i].selected = "selected";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }