// vector magnitude.
static inline float vmag(struct vec v) {
- return sqrt(vmag2(v));
+ return sqrtf(vmag2(v));
// vector Euclidean distance squared.
static inline float vdist2(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
// vector Euclidean distance.
static inline float vdist(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
- return sqrt(vdist2(a, b));
+ return sqrtf(vdist2(a, b));
// normalize a vector (make a unit vector).
static inline struct vec vnormalize(struct vec v) {
// element-wise absolute value of vector.
static inline struct vec vabs(struct vec v) {
- return mkvec(fabs(v.x), fabs(v.y), fabs(v.z));
+ return mkvec(fabsf(v.x), fabsf(v.y), fabsf(v.z));
// element-wise minimum of vector.
static inline struct vec vmin(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
// L1 norm (aka Minkowski, Taxicab, Manhattan norm) of a vector.
static inline float vnorm1(struct vec v) {
- return fabs(v.x) + fabs(v.y) + fabs(v.z);
+ return fabsf(v.x) + fabsf(v.y) + fabsf(v.z);
// store a vector into a double array.
static inline void vstore(struct vec v, double *d) {
- d[0] = v.x; d[1] = v.y; d[2] = v.z;
+ d[0] = (double)v.x; d[1] = (double)v.y; d[2] = (double)v.z;
// load a vector from a float array.
static inline struct vec vloadf(float const *f) {
q.x = scale * axis.x;
q.y = scale * axis.y;
q.z = scale * axis.z;
- q.w = cos(angle/2);
+ q.w = cosf(angle/2);
return q;
static inline struct vec quataxis(struct quat q) {
// convert quaternion to (roll, pitch, yaw) Euler angles
static inline struct vec quat2rpy(struct quat q) {
struct vec v;
- v.x = atan2(2 * (q.w * q.x + q.y * q.z), 1 - 2 * (fsqr(q.x) + fsqr(q.y))); // roll
- v.y = asin(2 * (q.w * q.y - q.x * q.z)); // pitch
- v.z = atan2(2 * (q.w * q.z + q.x * q.y), 1 - 2 * (fsqr(q.y) + fsqr(q.z))); // yaw
+ v.x = atan2f(2.0f * (q.w * q.x + q.y * q.z), 1 - 2 * (fsqr(q.x) + fsqr(q.y))); // roll
+ v.y = asinf(2.0f * (q.w * q.y - q.x * q.z)); // pitch
+ v.z = atan2f(2.0f * (q.w * q.z + q.x * q.y), 1 - 2 * (fsqr(q.y) + fsqr(q.z))); // yaw
return v;
// compute the axis of a quaternion's axis-angle decomposition.
static inline struct vec quat2axis(struct quat q) {
// TODO this is not numerically stable for tiny rotations
- float s = 1.0f / sqrtf(1 - q.w * q.w);
+ float s = 1.0f / sqrtf(1.0f - q.w * q.w);
return vscl(s, mkvec(q.x, q.y, q.z));
// compute the angle of a quaternion's axis-angle decomposition.
static inline float quat2angle(struct quat q) {
- return 2 * acos(q.w);
+ return 2 * acosf(q.w);
// convert a quaternion into a 3x3 rotation matrix.
static inline struct mat33 quat2rotmat(struct quat q) {
return qnlerp(a, b, t);
else {
- float theta = acos(dp);
- float s = sin(theta * (1 - t)) / sin(theta);
- t = sin(theta * t) / sin(theta);
+ float theta = acosf(dp);
+ float s = sinf(theta * (1 - t)) / sinf(theta);
+ t = sinf(theta * t) / sinf(theta);
return mkquat(
s*a.x + t*b.x, s*a.y + t*b.y, s*a.z + t*b.z, s*a.w + t*b.w);
// store a quaternion into a raw double array.
static inline void qstore(struct quat q, double *d) {
- d[0] = q.x; d[1] = q.y; d[2] = q.z; d[3] = q.w;
+ d[0] = (double)q.x; d[1] = (double)q.y; d[2] = (double)q.z; d[3] = (double)q.w;
// load a quaternion from a raw float array.
static inline struct quat qloadf(float const *f) {