/* try to resolve keys against the map */
while (true) {
/* send any resolved key to the parser */
- static int csi = 0;
- static int c;
while (map.resolved > 0) {
- /* pop the next char from queue */
- map.resolved--;
- map.qlen--;
- /* get first char of queue */
- int qk = map.queue[0];
- /* move all other queue entries one step to the left */
- for (int i = 0; i < map.qlen; i++) {
- map.queue[i] = map.queue[i + 1];
- }
+ int qk;
/* skip csi indicator and the next 2 chars - if the csi sequence
* isn't part of a mapped command we let gtk handle the key - this
* is required allo to move cursor in inputbox with <Left> and
* <Right> keys */
- /* TODO make it simplier to skip the special keys here */
- if ((qk & 0xff) == CSI) {
- csi = 2;
- continue;
- } else if (csi == 2) {
- csi--;
- c = qk;
- continue;
- } else if (csi == 1) {
- csi--;
- qk = TERMCAP2KEY(c, qk);
+ if ((map.queue[0] & 0xff) == CSI && map.qlen >= 3) {
+ /* get next 2 chars to build the termcap key */
+ qk = TERMCAP2KEY(map.queue[1], map.queue[2]);
+ map.resolved -= 3;
+ map.qlen -= 3;
+ /* move all other queue entries three steps to the left */
+ g_memmove(map.queue, map.queue + 3, map.qlen);
+ } else {
+ /* get first char of queue */
+ qk = map.queue[0];
+ map.resolved--;
+ map.qlen--;
+ /* move all other queue entries one step to the left */
+ g_memmove(map.queue, map.queue + 1, map.qlen);
/* remove the nomap flag */