## [Unreleased]
+## [3.1.0] - 2017-12-18
### Added
* Added completion of bookmarked URIs for `:bmr` to allow to easily remove
* Number of webprocesses in no longer limited to one.
* Treat hint label generation depending on the first hint-key char.
If first char is '0' generate numeric style labels else the labels start with
- the first char.
+ the first char (thanks to Yoann Blein).
* `hint-keys=0123` -> `1 2 3 10 11 12 13`
* `hint-keys=asdf` -> `a s d f aa as ad af`
* Show versions of used libs on `vimb --bug-info` and the extension directory
* Allow extended hints mode also for open `g;o` to allow the user to toggle
checkboxes and radiobuttons of forms.
* Rename `hint-number-same-length` into `hint-keys-same-length` for consistency.
+* Search is restarted on pressing `n` or `N` with previous search query if no
+ one was given (thanks to Yoann Blein).
### Fixed
* Fixed cursor appearing in empty inputbox on searching in case a normal mode
command was used that switches vimb into command mode like 'T' or ':'.
* Fixed hint labels never started by the first char of the 'hint-keys'.
-* Fixed items where added to history even when `history-max-items` is set to 0.
+* Fixed items where added to history even when `history-max-items` is set to 0
+ (thanks to Patrick Steinhardt).
* Fixed hinting caused dbus timeout on attempt to open URI with location hash.
* Fixed wrong scroll position shown in the right of the statusbar on some pages.
* Fixed vimb keeping in normal mode when HTTP Authentication dialog is shown.
+* Fixed password show in title bar and beeing written to hisotry in case the
+ pssword was given by URI like https://user:password@host.tdl.
## [3.0-alpha] - 2017-05-27
cookie file
* Fixed none POSIX `echo -n` call
-[Unreleased]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/3.0-alpha...master
+[Unreleased]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/master...3.1.0
+[3.1.0]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/3.0-alpha...3.1.0
[3.0-alpha]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/2.12...3.0-alpha
[2.12]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/2.11...2.12
[2.11]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/2.10...2.11