/* the api */
return {
init: function init(prompt, maxHints) {
- var modes = {},
- defaultXpath = "//*[@href] | //*[@onclick or @tabindex or @class='lk' or @role='link' or @role='button'] | //input[not(@type='hidden' or @disabled or @readonly)] | //textarea[not(@disabled or @readonly)] | //button | //select",
- srcXpath = "//*[@href] | //img[@src] | //iframe[@src]";
- function addMode(prompt, xpath, action) {
- modes[prompt] = {
- xpath: xpath || defaultXpath,
- action: action || function(e) {
- return "DATA:" + getSrc(e);
- }
+ var prop,
+ /* get the last mode identifying char of prompt */
+ c = prompt.slice(-1),
+ /* holds the xpaths for the different modes */
+ xpathmap = {
+ ot: "//*[@href] | //*[@onclick or @tabindex or @class='lk' or @role='link' or @role='button'] | //input[not(@type='hidden' or @disabled or @readonly)] | //textarea[not(@disabled or @readonly)] | //button | //select",
+ e: "//input[not(@type) or @type='text'] | //textarea",
+ iI: "//img[@src]",
+ OpPsTy: "//*[@href] | //img[@src] | //iframe[@src]"
+ },
+ /* holds the actions to perform on hint fire */
+ actionmap = {
+ o: function(e) {open(e, false); return "DONE:";},
+ t: function(e) {open(e, true); return "DONE:";},
+ eiIOpPsTy: function(e) {return "DATA:" + getSrc(e);}
- };
- addMode(";e", "//input[not(@type) or @type='text'] | //textarea");
- addMode(";i", "//img[@src]");
- addMode(";I", "//img[@src]");
- addMode(";o", null, function(e){
- open(e, false);
- return "DONE:";
- });
- addMode(";O", srcXpath);
- addMode(";p", srcXpath);
- addMode(";P", srcXpath);
- addMode(";s", srcXpath);
- addMode(";t", null, function(e){
- open(e, true);
- return "DONE:";
- });
- addMode(";T", srcXpath);
- addMode(";y", srcXpath);
- config = modes.hasOwnProperty(prompt) ? modes[prompt] : modes[";o"];
- config.maxHints = maxHints;
+ config = {maxHints: maxHints};
+ for (prop in xpathmap) {
+ if (prop.indexOf(c) >= 0) {
+ config["xpath"] = xpathmap[prop];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (prop in actionmap) {
+ if (prop.indexOf(c) >= 0) {
+ config["action"] = actionmap[prop];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
return show();