static inline struct vec vcross(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
return mkvec(a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y, a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z, a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x);
-// projection of a onto b, where b is a unit vector
+// projection of a onto b, where b is a unit vector.
static inline struct vec vprojectunit(struct vec a, struct vec b_unit) {
return vscl(vdot(a, b_unit), b_unit);
-// component of a orthogonal to b, where b is a unit vector
+// component of a orthogonal to b, where b is a unit vector.
static inline struct vec vorthunit(struct vec a, struct vec b_unit) {
return vsub(a, vprojectunit(a, b_unit));
+// element-wise absolute value of vector.
+static inline struct vec vabs(struct vec v) {
+ return mkvec(fabs(v.x), fabs(v.y), fabs(v.z));
+// element-wise minimum of vector.
+static inline struct vec vmin(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
+ return mkvec(fminf(a.x, b.x), fminf(a.y, b.y), fminf(a.z, b.z));
+// element-wise maximum of vector.
+static inline struct vec vmax(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
+ return mkvec(fmaxf(a.x, b.x), fmaxf(a.y, b.y), fmaxf(a.z, b.z));
// comparisons
static inline bool vneq(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
return !veq(a, b);
+// element-wise less-than
+static inline bool vless(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
+ return (a.x < b.x) && (a.y < b.y) && (a.z < b.z);
+// element-wise less-than-or-equal
+static inline bool vleq(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
+ return (a.x <= b.x) && (a.y <= b.y) && (a.z <= b.z);
+// element-wise greater-than
+static inline bool vgreater(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
+ return (a.x > b.x) && (a.y > b.y) && (a.z > b.z);
+// element-wise greater-than-or-equal
+static inline bool vgeq(struct vec a, struct vec b) {
+ return (a.x >= b.x) && (a.y >= b.y) && (a.z >= b.z);
+// test if any element of a vector is NaN.
+static inline bool visnan(struct vec v) {
+ return isnan(v.x) || isnan(v.y) || isnan(v.z);
// special functions to ease the pain of writing vector math in C.
static inline void vstoref(struct vec v, float *f) {
f[0] = v.x; f[1] = v.y; f[2] = v.z;
-// Vector TODO: abs, min, max, fuzzy comparison
+// Vector TODO: fuzzy comparison
// ---------------------------- 3x3 matrices ------------------------------
return c;
+// multiply a matrix by a vector.
+static inline struct vec mvmult(struct mat33 a, struct vec v) {
+ float x = a.m[0][0] * v.x + a.m[0][1] * v.y + a.m[0][2] * v.z;
+ float y = a.m[1][0] * v.x + a.m[1][1] * v.y + a.m[1][2] * v.z;
+ float z = a.m[2][0] * v.x + a.m[2][1] * v.y + a.m[2][2] * v.z;
+ return mkvec(x, y, z);
// multiply two matrices.
static inline struct mat33 mmult(struct mat33 a, struct mat33 b) {
struct mat33 ab;
a.m[2][2] += d;
return a;
+// test if any element of a matrix is NaN.
+static inline bool misnan(struct mat33 m) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ if (isnan(m.m[i][j])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
// set a 3x3 block within a big row-major matrix.
// block: pointer to the upper-left element of the block in the big matrix.
// stride: the number of columns in the big matrix.
-// Matrix TODO: mmultv, inv, solve, eig, raw floats
+// Matrix TODO: inv, solve, eig, raw floats, axis-aligned rotations
// ---------------------------- quaternions ------------------------------
struct quat {
- union {
- struct vec v;
- struct {
- float x;
- float y;
- float z;
- };
- };
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
float w;
-// TODO: remove anonymous union + struct for strict c99 compatibility
// constructors
// construct a quaternion from its x, y, z, w elements.
static inline struct quat mkquat(float x, float y, float z, float w) {
struct quat q;
- q.v = mkvec(x, y, z);
- q.w = w;
+ q.x = x; q.y = y; q.z = z; q.w = w;
return q;
// construct a quaternion from a vector containing (x, y, z) and a scalar w.
// note that this is NOT an axis-angle constructor.
static inline struct quat quatvw(struct vec v, float w) {
struct quat q;
- q.v = v;
+ q.x = v.x; q.y = v.y; q.z = v.z;
q.w = w;
return q;
static inline struct quat qaxisangle(struct vec axis, float angle) {
float scale = sin(angle / 2) / vmag(axis);
struct quat q;
- q.v = vscl(scale, axis);
+ q.x = scale * axis.x;
+ q.y = scale * axis.y;
+ q.z = scale * axis.z;
q.w = cos(angle/2);
return q;
static inline struct vec quat2axis(struct quat q) {
// TODO this is not numerically stable for tiny rotations
float s = 1.0f / sqrtf(1 - q.w * q.w);
- return vscl(s, q.v);
+ return vscl(s, mkvec(q.x, q.y, q.z));
// compute the angle of a quaternion's axis-angle decomposition.
static inline float quat2angle(struct quat q) {
// rotate a vector by a quaternion.
static inline struct vec qvrot(struct quat q, struct vec v) {
// from - TODO find real citation
+ struct vec qv = mkvec(q.x, q.y, q.z);
return vadd3(
- vscl(2.0f * vdot(q.v, v), q.v),
- vscl(q.w * q.w - vdot(q.v, q.v), v),
- vscl(2.0f * q.w, vcross(q.v, v))
+ vscl(2.0f * vdot(qv, v), qv),
+ vscl(q.w * q.w - vmag2(qv), v),
+ vscl(2.0f * q.w, vcross(qv, v))
-// multiply (compose) two quaternions
-// such that qvrot(qqmul(q, p), v) == qvrot(q, qvrot(p, v))
+// multiply (compose) two quaternions
+// such that qvrot(qqmul(q, p), v) == qvrot(q, qvrot(p, v)).
static inline struct quat qqmul(struct quat q, struct quat p) {
float x = q.w*p.x + q.z*p.y - q.y*p.z + q.x*p.w;
float y = -q.z*p.x + q.w*p.y + q.x*p.z + q.y*p.w;
float w = -q.x*p.x - q.y*p.y - q.z*p.z + q.w*p.w;
return mkquat(x, y, z, w);
-// invert a quaternion
+// invert a quaternion.
static inline struct quat qinv(struct quat q) {
- return quatvw(vneg(q.v), q.w);
+ return mkquat(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, q.w);
+// negate a quaternion.
+// this represents the same rotation, but is still sometimes useful.
+static inline struct quat qneg(struct quat q) {
+ return mkquat(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, -q.w);
+// quaternion dot product. is cosine of angle between them.
+static inline float qdot(struct quat a, struct quat b) {
+ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z + a.w * b.w;
// normalize a quaternion.
// typically used to mitigate precision errors.
static inline struct quat qnormalize(struct quat q) {
- float maginv = 1.0f / sqrtf(vmag2(q.v) + fsqr(q.w));
- return quatvw(vscl(maginv, q.v), maginv * q.w);
+ float s = 1.0f / sqrtf(qdot(q, q));
+ return mkquat(s*q.x, s*q.y, s*q.z, s*q.w);
// update an attitude estimate quaternion with a reading from a gyroscope
// over the timespan dt. Gyroscope is assumed (roll, pitch, yaw)
double const p = (dt / 2) * gyro.y;
double const y = (dt / 2) * gyro.z;
- q1.v.x = quat.x + y*quat.y - p*quat.z + r*quat.w;
- q1.v.y = -y*quat.x + quat.y + r*quat.z + p*quat.w;
- q1.v.z = p*quat.x - r*quat.y + quat.z + y*quat.w;
- q1.w = -r*quat.x - p*quat.y - y*quat.z + quat.w;
+ q1.x = quat.x + y*quat.y - p*quat.z + r*quat.w;
+ q1.y = -y*quat.x + quat.y + r*quat.z + p*quat.w;
+ q1.z = p*quat.x - r*quat.y + quat.z + y*quat.w;
+ q1.w = -r*quat.x - p*quat.y - y*quat.z + quat.w;
return q1;
+// normalized linear interpolation. s should be between 0 and 1.
+static inline struct quat qnlerp(struct quat a, struct quat b, float t) {
+ float s = 1.0f - t;
+ return qnormalize(mkquat(
+ s*a.x + t*b.x, s*a.y + t*b.y, s*a.z + t*b.z, s*a.w + t*b.w));
+// spherical linear interpolation. s should be between 0 and 1.
+static inline struct quat qslerp(struct quat a, struct quat b, float t)
+ float dp = qdot(a, b);
+ if (dp < 0) {
+ dp = -dp;
+ b = qneg(b);
+ }
+ if (dp > 0.99f) {
+ // fall back to linear interpolation to avoid div-by-zero
+ return qnlerp(a, b, t);
+ }
+ else {
+ float theta = acos(dp);
+ float s = sin(theta * (1 - t)) / sin(theta);
+ t = sin(theta * t) / sin(theta);
+ return mkquat(
+ s*a.x + t*b.x, s*a.y + t*b.y, s*a.z + t*b.z, s*a.w + t*b.w);
+ }
// conversion to/from raw float and double arrays.
f[0] = q.x; f[1] = q.y; f[2] = q.z; f[3] = q.w;
-// Quaternion TODO: rpy2quat, slerp
+// Quaternion TODO: rpy2quat
+// Overall TODO: lines? segments? planes? axis-aligned boxes? spheres?