#include "hsts.h"
+typedef enum {
+} Type;
+typedef enum {
+ SETTING_SET, /* :set option=value */
+ SETTING_APPEND, /* :set option+=vlaue */
+ SETTING_PREPEND, /* :set option^=vlaue */
+ SETTING_SUBTRACT, /* :set option-=value */
+ SETTING_GET, /* :set option? */
+ SETTING_TOGGLE /* :set option! */
+} SettingType;
+enum {
+ FLAG_LIST = (1<<1), /* setting contains a ',' separated list of values */
extern VbCore vb;
-static int setting_set_value(Setting *prop, void *value);
-static gboolean setting_add(const char *name, Type type, void *value,
- SettingFunction setter, void *data);
+static int setting_set_value(Setting *prop, void *value, SettingType type);
+static gboolean setting_add(const char *name, int type, void *value,
+ SettingFunction setter, int flags, void *data);
static void setting_print(Setting *s);
static void setting_free(Setting *s);
-static int webkit(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int soup(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int internal(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int input_color(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int status_color(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int input_font(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int status_font(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
+static int webkit(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int soup(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int internal(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int input_color(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int status_color(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int input_font(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int status_font(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
gboolean setting_fill_completion(GtkListStore *store, const char *input);
-static int cookie_accept(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
+static int cookie_accept(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
-static int ca_bundle(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int proxy(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int user_style(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int headers(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int prevnext(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
-static int fullscreen(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
+static int ca_bundle(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int proxy(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int user_style(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int headers(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int prevnext(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
+static int fullscreen(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
-static int hsts(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data);
+static int hsts(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data);
static gboolean validate_js_regexp_list(const char *pattern);
+static char* value_remove_match(const char *list, const char *remove, gboolean aslist);
void setting_init()
vb.config.settings = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)setting_free);
- setting_add("accelerated-compositing", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-accelerated-compositing");
+ setting_add("accelerated-compositing", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-accelerated-compositing");
- setting_add("auto-resize-window", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "auto-resize-window");
- setting_add("auto-shrink-images", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "auto-shrink-images");
- setting_add("caret", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-caret-browsing");
- setting_add("cursivfont", TYPE_CHAR, &"serif", webkit, "cursive-font-family");
- setting_add("defaultencoding", TYPE_CHAR, &"utf-8", webkit, "default-encoding");
- setting_add("defaultfont", TYPE_CHAR, &"sans-serif", webkit, "default-font-family");
- setting_add("dns-prefetching", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "enable-dns-prefetching");
- setting_add("dom-paste", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-dom-paste");
- setting_add("file-access-from-file-uris", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-file-access-from-file-uris");
+ setting_add("auto-resize-window", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "auto-resize-window");
+ setting_add("auto-shrink-images", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "auto-shrink-images");
+ setting_add("caret", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-caret-browsing");
+ setting_add("cursivfont", TYPE_CHAR, &"serif", webkit, 0, "cursive-font-family");
+ setting_add("defaultencoding", TYPE_CHAR, &"utf-8", webkit, 0, "default-encoding");
+ setting_add("defaultfont", TYPE_CHAR, &"sans-serif", webkit, 0, "default-font-family");
+ setting_add("dns-prefetching", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "enable-dns-prefetching");
+ setting_add("dom-paste", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-dom-paste");
+ setting_add("file-access-from-file-uris", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-file-access-from-file-uris");
- setting_add("fontsize", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, webkit, "default-font-size");
- setting_add("frame-flattening", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-frame-flattening");
- setting_add("html5-database", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "enable-html5-database");
- setting_add("html5-local-storage", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "enable-html5-local-storage");
- setting_add("hyperlink-auditing", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-hyperlink-auditing");
- setting_add("images", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "auto-load-images");
+ setting_add("fontsize", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, webkit, 0, "default-font-size");
+ setting_add("frame-flattening", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-frame-flattening");
+ setting_add("html5-database", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "enable-html5-database");
+ setting_add("html5-local-storage", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "enable-html5-local-storage");
+ setting_add("hyperlink-auditing", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-hyperlink-auditing");
+ setting_add("images", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "auto-load-images");
- setting_add("insecure-content-show", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-display-of-insecure-content");
- setting_add("insecure-content-run", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-running-of-insecure-content");
+ setting_add("insecure-content-show", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-display-of-insecure-content");
+ setting_add("insecure-content-run", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-running-of-insecure-content");
- setting_add("java-applet", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "enable-java-applet");
- setting_add("javascript-can-access-clipboard", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "javascript-can-access-clipboard");
- setting_add("javascript-can-open-windows-automatically", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "javascript-can-open-windows-automatically");
- setting_add("media-playback-allows-inline", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "media-playback-allows-inline");
- setting_add("media-playback-requires-user-gesture", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "media-playback-requires-user-gesture");
+ setting_add("java-applet", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "enable-java-applet");
+ setting_add("javascript-can-access-clipboard", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "javascript-can-access-clipboard");
+ setting_add("javascript-can-open-windows-automatically", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "javascript-can-open-windows-automatically");
+ setting_add("media-playback-allows-inline", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "media-playback-allows-inline");
+ setting_add("media-playback-requires-user-gesture", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "media-playback-requires-user-gesture");
- setting_add("media-stream", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-media-stream");
- setting_add("mediasource", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-mediasource");
+ setting_add("media-stream", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-media-stream");
+ setting_add("mediasource", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-mediasource");
i = 5;
- setting_add("minimumfontsize", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, webkit, "minimum-font-size");
- setting_add("monofont", TYPE_CHAR, &"monospace", webkit, "monospace-font-family");
+ setting_add("minimumfontsize", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, webkit, 0, "minimum-font-size");
+ setting_add("monofont", TYPE_CHAR, &"monospace", webkit, 0, "monospace-font-family");
- setting_add("monofontsize", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, webkit, "default-monospace-font-size");
- setting_add("offlinecache", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "enable-offline-web-application-cache");
- setting_add("pagecache", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "enable-page-cache");
- setting_add("plugins", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "enable-plugins");
- setting_add("print-backgrounds", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "print-backgrounds");
- setting_add("private-browsing", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-private-browsing");
- setting_add("resizable-text-areas", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "resizable-text-areas");
- setting_add("respect-image-orientation", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "respect-image-orientation");
- setting_add("sansfont", TYPE_CHAR, &"sans-serif", webkit, "sans-serif-font-family");
- setting_add("scripts", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "enable-scripts");
- setting_add("seriffont", TYPE_CHAR, &"serif", webkit, "serif-font-family");
- setting_add("site-specific-quirks", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-site-specific-quirks");
+ setting_add("monofontsize", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, webkit, 0, "default-monospace-font-size");
+ setting_add("offlinecache", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "enable-offline-web-application-cache");
+ setting_add("pagecache", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "enable-page-cache");
+ setting_add("plugins", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "enable-plugins");
+ setting_add("print-backgrounds", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "print-backgrounds");
+ setting_add("private-browsing", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-private-browsing");
+ setting_add("resizable-text-areas", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "resizable-text-areas");
+ setting_add("respect-image-orientation", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "respect-image-orientation");
+ setting_add("sansfont", TYPE_CHAR, &"sans-serif", webkit, 0, "sans-serif-font-family");
+ setting_add("scripts", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "enable-scripts");
+ setting_add("seriffont", TYPE_CHAR, &"serif", webkit, 0, "serif-font-family");
+ setting_add("site-specific-quirks", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-site-specific-quirks");
- setting_add("smooth-scrolling", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-smooth-scrolling");
+ setting_add("smooth-scrolling", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-smooth-scrolling");
- setting_add("spacial-navigation", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-spatial-navigation");
- setting_add("spell-checking", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-spell-checking");
- setting_add("spell-checking-languages", TYPE_CHAR, NULL, webkit, "spell-checking-languages");
- setting_add("tab-key-cycles-through-elements", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "tab-key-cycles-through-elements");
- setting_add("universal-access-from-file-uris", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-universal-access-from-file-uris");
- setting_add("useragent", TYPE_CHAR, &"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/538.15+ (KHTML, like Gecko) " PROJECT "/" VERSION " Safari/538.15 Version/6.0", webkit, "user-agent");
- setting_add("webaudio", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-webaudio");
- setting_add("webgl", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-webgl");
- setting_add("webinspector", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, "enable-developer-extras");
- setting_add("xssauditor", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, "enable-xss-auditor");
+ setting_add("spacial-navigation", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-spatial-navigation");
+ setting_add("spell-checking", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-spell-checking");
+ setting_add("spell-checking-languages", TYPE_CHAR, NULL, webkit, 0, "spell-checking-languages");
+ setting_add("tab-key-cycles-through-elements", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "tab-key-cycles-through-elements");
+ setting_add("universal-access-from-file-uris", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-universal-access-from-file-uris");
+ setting_add("useragent", TYPE_CHAR, &"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/538.15+ (KHTML, like Gecko) " PROJECT "/" VERSION " Safari/538.15 Version/6.0", webkit, 0, "user-agent");
+ setting_add("webaudio", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-webaudio");
+ setting_add("webgl", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-webgl");
+ setting_add("webinspector", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, webkit, 0, "enable-developer-extras");
+ setting_add("xssauditor", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, webkit, 0, "enable-xss-auditor");
/* internal variables */
- setting_add("stylesheet", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, user_style, NULL);
- setting_add("proxy", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, proxy, NULL);
+ setting_add("stylesheet", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, user_style, 0, NULL);
+ setting_add("proxy", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, proxy, 0, NULL);
- setting_add("cookie-accept", TYPE_CHAR, &"always", cookie_accept, NULL);
+ setting_add("cookie-accept", TYPE_CHAR, &"always", cookie_accept, 0, NULL);
i = 4800;
- setting_add("cookie-timeout", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, internal, &vb.config.cookie_timeout);
+ setting_add("cookie-timeout", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, internal, 0, &vb.config.cookie_timeout);
- setting_add("strict-ssl", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, soup, "ssl-strict");
- setting_add("strict-focus", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, internal, &vb.config.strict_focus);
+ setting_add("strict-ssl", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, soup, 0, "ssl-strict");
+ setting_add("strict-focus", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, internal, 0, &vb.config.strict_focus);
i = 40;
- setting_add("scrollstep", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, internal, &vb.config.scrollstep);
- setting_add("status-color-bg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", status_color, &vb.style.status_bg[VB_STATUS_NORMAL]);
- setting_add("status-color-fg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ffffff", status_color, &vb.style.status_fg[VB_STATUS_NORMAL]);
- setting_add("status-font", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_EMPH, status_font, &vb.style.status_font[VB_STATUS_NORMAL]);
- setting_add("status-ssl-color-bg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#95e454", status_color, &vb.style.status_bg[VB_STATUS_SSL_VALID]);
- setting_add("status-ssl-color-fg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", status_color, &vb.style.status_fg[VB_STATUS_SSL_VALID]);
- setting_add("status-ssl-font", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_EMPH, status_font, &vb.style.status_font[VB_STATUS_SSL_VALID]);
- setting_add("status-sslinvalid-color-bg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ff7777", status_color, &vb.style.status_bg[VB_STATUS_SSL_INVALID]);
- setting_add("status-sslinvalid-color-fg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", status_color, &vb.style.status_fg[VB_STATUS_SSL_INVALID]);
- setting_add("status-sslinvalid-font", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_EMPH, status_font, &vb.style.status_font[VB_STATUS_SSL_INVALID]);
+ setting_add("scrollstep", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, internal, 0, &vb.config.scrollstep);
+ setting_add("status-color-bg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", status_color, 0, &vb.style.status_bg[VB_STATUS_NORMAL]);
+ setting_add("status-color-fg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ffffff", status_color, 0, &vb.style.status_fg[VB_STATUS_NORMAL]);
+ setting_add("status-font", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_EMPH, status_font, 0, &vb.style.status_font[VB_STATUS_NORMAL]);
+ setting_add("status-ssl-color-bg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#95e454", status_color, 0, &vb.style.status_bg[VB_STATUS_SSL_VALID]);
+ setting_add("status-ssl-color-fg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", status_color, 0, &vb.style.status_fg[VB_STATUS_SSL_VALID]);
+ setting_add("status-ssl-font", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_EMPH, status_font, 0, &vb.style.status_font[VB_STATUS_SSL_VALID]);
+ setting_add("status-sslinvalid-color-bg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ff7777", status_color, 0, &vb.style.status_bg[VB_STATUS_SSL_INVALID]);
+ setting_add("status-sslinvalid-color-fg", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", status_color, 0, &vb.style.status_fg[VB_STATUS_SSL_INVALID]);
+ setting_add("status-sslinvalid-font", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_EMPH, status_font, 0, &vb.style.status_font[VB_STATUS_SSL_INVALID]);
i = 1000;
- setting_add("timeoutlen", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, internal, &vb.config.timeoutlen);
- setting_add("input-bg-normal", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ffffff", input_color, &vb.style.input_bg[VB_MSG_NORMAL]);
- setting_add("input-bg-error", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ff7777", input_color, &vb.style.input_bg[VB_MSG_ERROR]);
- setting_add("input-fg-normal", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", input_color, &vb.style.input_fg[VB_MSG_NORMAL]);
- setting_add("input-fg-error", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", input_color, &vb.style.input_fg[VB_MSG_ERROR]);
- setting_add("input-font-normal", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_NORMAL, input_font, &vb.style.input_font[VB_MSG_NORMAL]);
- setting_add("input-font-error", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_EMPH, input_font, &vb.style.input_font[VB_MSG_ERROR]);
- setting_add("completion-font", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_NORMAL, input_font, &vb.style.comp_font);
- setting_add("completion-fg-normal", TYPE_COLOR, &"#f6f3e8", input_color, &vb.style.comp_fg[VB_COMP_NORMAL]);
- setting_add("completion-fg-active", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ffffff", input_color, &vb.style.comp_fg[VB_COMP_ACTIVE]);
- setting_add("completion-bg-normal", TYPE_COLOR, &"#656565", input_color, &vb.style.comp_bg[VB_COMP_NORMAL]);
- setting_add("completion-bg-active", TYPE_COLOR, &"#777777", input_color, &vb.style.comp_bg[VB_COMP_ACTIVE]);
- setting_add("ca-bundle", TYPE_CHAR, &"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", ca_bundle, NULL);
- setting_add("home-page", TYPE_CHAR, &SETTING_HOME_PAGE, NULL, NULL);
+ setting_add("timeoutlen", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, internal, 0, &vb.config.timeoutlen);
+ setting_add("input-bg-normal", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ffffff", input_color, 0, &vb.style.input_bg[VB_MSG_NORMAL]);
+ setting_add("input-bg-error", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ff7777", input_color, 0, &vb.style.input_bg[VB_MSG_ERROR]);
+ setting_add("input-fg-normal", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", input_color, 0, &vb.style.input_fg[VB_MSG_NORMAL]);
+ setting_add("input-fg-error", TYPE_COLOR, &"#000000", input_color, 0, &vb.style.input_fg[VB_MSG_ERROR]);
+ setting_add("input-font-normal", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_NORMAL, input_font, 0, &vb.style.input_font[VB_MSG_NORMAL]);
+ setting_add("input-font-error", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_EMPH, input_font, 0, &vb.style.input_font[VB_MSG_ERROR]);
+ setting_add("completion-font", TYPE_FONT, &SETTING_GUI_FONT_NORMAL, input_font, 0, &vb.style.comp_font);
+ setting_add("completion-fg-normal", TYPE_COLOR, &"#f6f3e8", input_color, 0, &vb.style.comp_fg[VB_COMP_NORMAL]);
+ setting_add("completion-fg-active", TYPE_COLOR, &"#ffffff", input_color, 0, &vb.style.comp_fg[VB_COMP_ACTIVE]);
+ setting_add("completion-bg-normal", TYPE_COLOR, &"#656565", input_color, 0, &vb.style.comp_bg[VB_COMP_NORMAL]);
+ setting_add("completion-bg-active", TYPE_COLOR, &"#777777", input_color, 0, &vb.style.comp_bg[VB_COMP_ACTIVE]);
+ setting_add("ca-bundle", TYPE_CHAR, &"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", ca_bundle, 0, NULL);
+ setting_add("home-page", TYPE_CHAR, &SETTING_HOME_PAGE, NULL, 0, NULL);
i = 1000;
- setting_add("hint-timeout", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, NULL, NULL);
- setting_add("download-path", TYPE_CHAR, &"", internal, &vb.config.download_dir);
+ setting_add("hint-timeout", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ setting_add("download-path", TYPE_CHAR, &"", internal, 0, &vb.config.download_dir);
i = 2000;
- setting_add("history-max-items", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, internal, &vb.config.history_max);
- setting_add("editor-command", TYPE_CHAR, &"x-terminal-emulator -e -vi '%s'", NULL, NULL);
- setting_add("header", TYPE_CHAR, &"", headers, NULL);
- setting_add("nextpattern", TYPE_CHAR, &"/\\bnext\\b/i,/^(>\\|>>\\|»)$/,/^(>\\|>>\\|»)/,/(>\\|>>\\|»)$/,/\\bmore\\b/i", prevnext, NULL);
- setting_add("previouspattern", TYPE_CHAR, &"/\\bprev\\|previous\\b/i,/^(<\\|<<\\|«)$/,/^(<\\|<<\\|«)/,/(<\\|<<\\|«)$/", prevnext, NULL);
- setting_add("fullscreen", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, fullscreen, NULL);
- setting_add("download-command", TYPE_CHAR, &"/bin/sh -c \"curl -sLJOC - -A '$VIMB_USER_AGENT' -e '$VIMB_URI' -b '$VIMB_COOKIES' '%s'\"", NULL, NULL);
- setting_add("download-use-external", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, NULL, NULL);
+ setting_add("history-max-items", TYPE_INTEGER, &i, internal, 0, &vb.config.history_max);
+ setting_add("editor-command", TYPE_CHAR, &"x-terminal-emulator -e -vi '%s'", NULL, 0, NULL);
+ setting_add("header", TYPE_CHAR, &"", headers, FLAG_LIST, NULL);
+ setting_add("nextpattern", TYPE_CHAR, &"/\\bnext\\b/i,/^(>\\|>>\\|»)$/,/^(>\\|>>\\|»)/,/(>\\|>>\\|»)$/,/\\bmore\\b/i", prevnext, FLAG_LIST, NULL);
+ setting_add("previouspattern", TYPE_CHAR, &"/\\bprev\\|previous\\b/i,/^(<\\|<<\\|«)$/,/^(<\\|<<\\|«)/,/(<\\|<<\\|«)$/", prevnext, FLAG_LIST, NULL);
+ setting_add("fullscreen", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, fullscreen, 0, NULL);
+ setting_add("download-command", TYPE_CHAR, &"/bin/sh -c \"curl -sLJOC - -A '$VIMB_USER_AGENT' -e '$VIMB_URI' -b '$VIMB_COOKIES' '%s'\"", NULL, 0, NULL);
+ setting_add("download-use-external", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &off, NULL, 0, NULL);
- setting_add("hsts", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, hsts, NULL);
+ setting_add("hsts", TYPE_BOOLEAN, &on, hsts, 0, NULL);
- setting_add("x-hint-command", TYPE_CHAR, &":o <C-R>;", NULL, NULL);
+ setting_add("x-hint-command", TYPE_CHAR, &":o <C-R>;", NULL, 0, NULL);
/* initialize the shortcuts and set the default shortcuts */
gboolean setting_run(char *name, const char *param)
SettingType type = SETTING_SET;
- int res;
+ char modifier;
+ int res, len;
/* determine the type to names last char and param */
- int len = strlen(name);
- if (name[len - 1] == '?') {
+ len = strlen(name);
+ modifier = name[len - 1];
+ if (modifier == '?') {
name[len - 1] = '\0';
- type = SETTING_GET;
- } else if (name[len - 1] == '!') {
+ type = SETTING_GET;
+ } else if (modifier == '+') {
+ name[len - 1] = '\0';
+ } else if (modifier == '^') {
+ name[len - 1] = '\0';
+ } else if (modifier == '-') {
name[len - 1] = '\0';
+ } else if (modifier == '!') {
+ name[len - 1] = '\0';
} else if (!param) {
+ /* lookup a matching setting */
Setting *s = g_hash_table_lookup(vb.config.settings, name);
if (!s) {
vb_echo(VB_MSG_ERROR, true, "Config '%s' not found", name);
return false;
- if (type == SETTING_SET) {
+ if (type == SETTING_GET) {
+ setting_print(s);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (type == SETTING_TOGGLE) {
+ if (s->type != TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
+ vb_echo(VB_MSG_ERROR, true, "Could not toggle none boolean %s", s->name);
+ return false;
+ }
+ gboolean value = !s->value.b;
+ res = setting_set_value(s, &value, SETTING_SET);
+ setting_print(s);
+ } else {
if (!param) {
vb_echo(VB_MSG_ERROR, true, "No valid value");
return false;
+ /* convert sting value into internal used data type */
gboolean boolvar;
int intvar;
switch (s->type) {
boolvar = g_ascii_strncasecmp(param, "true", 4) == 0
|| g_ascii_strncasecmp(param, "on", 2) == 0;
- res = setting_set_value(s, &boolvar);
+ res = setting_set_value(s, &boolvar, type);
intvar = g_ascii_strtoull(param, (char**)NULL, 10);
- res = setting_set_value(s, &intvar);
+ res = setting_set_value(s, &intvar, type);
- res = setting_set_value(s, (void*)param);
+ res = setting_set_value(s, (void*)param, type);
- if (res == SETTING_OK || res & SETTING_USER_NOTIFIED) {
- return true;
- }
- vb_echo(VB_MSG_ERROR, true, "Could not set %s", s->name);
- return false;
- } else if (type == SETTING_TOGGLE) {
- if (s->type != TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
- vb_echo(VB_MSG_ERROR, true, "Could not toggle none boolean %s", s->name);
- return false;
- }
- gboolean value = !s->value.b;
- setting_set_value(s, &value);
- setting_print(s);
- } else {
- setting_print(s);
+ }
+ if (res == SETTING_OK || res & SETTING_USER_NOTIFIED) {
+ return true;
- return true;
+ vb_echo(VB_MSG_ERROR, true, "Could not set %s", s->name);
+ return false;
gboolean setting_fill_completion(GtkListStore *store, const char *input)
-static int setting_set_value(Setting *prop, void *value)
+static int setting_set_value(Setting *prop, void *value, SettingType type)
- int res;
+ int res = SETTING_OK;
+ /* by default given value is also the new value */
+ void *new_value = value;
+ gboolean free_new_value = false;
- /* if there is a estter defined - call this first to check if the value is
+ /* prepare the value according to given setting type */
+ switch (type) {
+ if (prop->type == TYPE_INTEGER) {
+ /* if setting is integer - summarize given value to current one */
+ int newint = prop->value.i + *((int*)value);
+ new_value = (void*)&newint;
+ } else if (prop->type == TYPE_CHAR && *prop->value.s) {
+ /* if current set calue is not empty - append the new one */
+ new_value = g_strconcat(
+ prop->value.s,
+ prop->flags & FLAG_LIST ? "," : "",
+ (char*)value,
+ );
+ free_new_value = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (prop->type == TYPE_INTEGER) {
+ int newint = prop->value.i * *((int*)value);
+ new_value = (void*)&newint;
+ } else if (prop->type == TYPE_CHAR && *prop->value.s) {
+ new_value = g_strconcat(
+ (char*)value,
+ prop->flags & FLAG_LIST ? "," : "",
+ prop->value.s,
+ );
+ free_new_value = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (prop->type == TYPE_INTEGER) {
+ int newint = prop->value.i - *((int*)value);
+ new_value = (void*)&newint;
+ } else if (prop->type == TYPE_CHAR && *prop->value.s) {
+ new_value = value_remove_match(prop->value.s, (char*)value, prop->flags & FLAG_LIST);
+ free_new_value = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ /* if there is a setter defined - call this first to check if the value is
* accepted */
if (prop->setter) {
- res = prop->setter(prop->name, prop->type, value, prop->data);
- /* brek here on error and don't change the setting */
+ res = prop->setter(prop->name, prop->type, new_value, prop->data);
+ /* break here on error and don't change the setting */
if (res & SETTING_ERROR) {
- return res;
+ goto free;
/* save the new value also in the setting */
switch (prop->type) {
- prop->value.b = *((gboolean*)value);
+ prop->value.b = *((gboolean*)new_value);
- prop->value.i = *((int*)value);
+ prop->value.i = *((int*)new_value);
- OVERWRITE_STRING(prop->value.s, value);
+ OVERWRITE_STRING(prop->value.s, new_value);
- return SETTING_OK;
+ if (free_new_value) {
+ g_free(new_value);
+ }
+ return res;
-static gboolean setting_add(const char *name, Type type, void *value,
- SettingFunction setter, void *data)
+static gboolean setting_add(const char *name, int type, void *value,
+ SettingFunction setter, int flags, void *data)
Setting *prop = g_slice_new0(Setting);
prop->name = name;
prop->type = type;
prop->setter = setter;
+ prop->flags = flags;
prop->data = data;
- setting_set_value(prop, value);
+ setting_set_value(prop, value, SETTING_SET);
g_hash_table_insert(vb.config.settings, (char*)name, prop);
return true;
g_slice_free(Setting, s);
-static int webkit(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int webkit(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
const char *property = (const char*)data;
WebKitWebSettings *web_setting = webkit_web_view_get_settings(vb.gui.webview);
return SETTING_OK;
-static int soup(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int soup(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
const char *property = (const char*)data;
switch (type) {
return SETTING_OK;
-static int internal(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int internal(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
char **str;
switch (type) {
return SETTING_OK;
-static int input_color(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int input_color(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
VB_COLOR_PARSE((VbColor*)data, (char*)value);
return SETTING_OK;
-static int status_color(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int status_color(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
VB_COLOR_PARSE((VbColor*)data, (char*)value);
return SETTING_OK;
-static int input_font(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int input_font(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
PangoFontDescription **font = (PangoFontDescription**)data;
if (*font) {
return SETTING_OK;
-static int status_font(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int status_font(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
PangoFontDescription **font = (PangoFontDescription**)data;
if (*font) {
-static int cookie_accept(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int cookie_accept(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
char *policy = (char*)value;
int i;
-static int ca_bundle(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int ca_bundle(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
char *expanded;
GError *error = NULL;
/* there is no function to get the file back from tls file database so
- * it's saved as seperate configuration */
+ * it's saved as separate configuration */
g_object_set(vb.session, "tls-database", vb.config.tls_db, NULL);
return SETTING_OK;
-static int proxy(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int proxy(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
gboolean enabled = *(gboolean*)value;
#if SOUP_CHECK_VERSION(2, 42, 2)
const char *no_proxy;
char **ignored_hosts = NULL;
/* check for no_proxy environment variable that contains comma
- * seperated domains or ip addresses to skip from proxy */
+ * separated domains or ip addresses to skip from proxy */
if ((no_proxy = g_getenv("no_proxy"))) {
ignored_hosts = g_strsplit(no_proxy, ",", 0);
return SETTING_OK;
-static int user_style(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int user_style(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
gboolean enabled = *(gboolean*)value;
WebKitWebSettings *web_setting = webkit_web_view_get_settings(vb.gui.webview);
* the request (NAME3), if the '=' is present means that the header value is
* set to empty value.
-static int headers(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int headers(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
/* remove previous parsed headers */
if (vb.config.headers) {
return SETTING_OK;
-static int prevnext(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int prevnext(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
if (validate_js_regexp_list((char*)value)) {
if (*name == 'n') {
-static int fullscreen(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int fullscreen(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
if (*(gboolean*)value) {
-static int hsts(const char *name, Type type, void *value, void *data)
+static int hsts(const char *name, int type, void *value, void *data)
if (*(gboolean*)value) {
soup_session_add_feature(vb.session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(vb.config.hsts_provider));
return true;
+ * Removes a value from a comma separated list or a simple string.
+ * Returned value must be freed.
+ */
+static char* value_remove_match(const char *list, const char *remove, gboolean aslist)
+ int rlen = strlen(remove);
+ char *p, *origval = g_strdup(list);
+ /* without list mode - remove first occourance of value in the list */
+ if (!aslist) {
+ if ((p = strstr(origval, remove))) {
+ memmove(p, p + rlen, 1 + strlen(p + rlen));
+ }
+ return origval;
+ }
+ /* in list mode - remove only full matching list elements and make sure
+ * that there are no trailing and leading commas left */
+ for (p = origval; *p; p++) {
+ if ((p == origval || (p[-1] == ','))
+ && strncmp(p, remove, rlen) == 0
+ && (p[rlen] == ',' || p[rlen] == '\0')
+ ) {
+ int i = rlen;
+ if (aslist) {
+ if (p == origval) {
+ /* include the comma after the matched string */
+ if (p[rlen] == ',') {
+ i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* include the comma before the string */
+ p--;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ memmove(p, p + i, 1 + strlen(p + rlen));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return origval;